Mrs. Arrowpoint Quotes in Daniel Deronda
“How very interesting!” said Gwendolen. “I like to differ from everybody; I think it is so stupid to agree. That is the worst of writing your opinions; you make people agree with you.”
That Mr Grandcourt might after all not appear on the archery-ground, had begun to enter into Gwendolen’s thought as a possible deduction from the completeness of her pleasure. Under all her saucy satire, provoked chiefly by her divination that her friends thought of him as a desirable match for her, she felt something very far from indifference as to the impression she would make on him. True, he was not to have the slightest power over her […] But that was no reason why she could spare his presence: and even a passing prevision of trouble in case she despised and refused him, raised not the shadow of a wish that he should save her that trouble by showing no disposition to make her an offer. Mr Grandcourt taking hardly any notice of her and becoming shortly engaged to Miss Arrowpoint, was not a picture which flattered her imagination.

Mrs. Arrowpoint Quotes in Daniel Deronda
“How very interesting!” said Gwendolen. “I like to differ from everybody; I think it is so stupid to agree. That is the worst of writing your opinions; you make people agree with you.”
That Mr Grandcourt might after all not appear on the archery-ground, had begun to enter into Gwendolen’s thought as a possible deduction from the completeness of her pleasure. Under all her saucy satire, provoked chiefly by her divination that her friends thought of him as a desirable match for her, she felt something very far from indifference as to the impression she would make on him. True, he was not to have the slightest power over her […] But that was no reason why she could spare his presence: and even a passing prevision of trouble in case she despised and refused him, raised not the shadow of a wish that he should save her that trouble by showing no disposition to make her an offer. Mr Grandcourt taking hardly any notice of her and becoming shortly engaged to Miss Arrowpoint, was not a picture which flattered her imagination.