Mordecai (Ezra Lapidoth)
Mordecai (Ezra Lapidoth)
Leonora Halm-Eberstein Character Analysis |
Fanny Davilow
“I did not want affection. I had been stifled with it. I wanted to live out the life that was in me, and not to be hampered with other lives... I was a great singer, and I acted as well as I sang. All the rest were poor beside me. Men followed me from one country to another. I was living a myriad lives in one. I did not want a child.”
“I did not want affection. I had been stifled with it. I wanted to live out the life that was in me, and not to be hampered with other lives... I was a great singer, and I acted as well as I sang. All the rest were poor beside me. Men followed me from one country to another. I was living a myriad lives in one. I did not want a child.”