Daniel Deronda


George Eliot

Leonora Halm-Eberstein Character Analysis

Leonora Halm-Eberstein is Daniel Deronda’s mother and a famous Jewish opera singer. She abandoned Daniel as a child, arranging for him to be raised by Sir Hugo Mallinger in a secular environment, far removed from her own heritage. When Daniel meets her as an adult in Genoa, she reveals her life story, including her rejection of the traditional Jewish upbringing imposed by her father and her decision to pursue a career in the arts. Leonora’s confession of having never wanted a child shocks Daniel, but it also provides him with the truth about his identity. Gravely ill, she gives Daniel a letter that allows him to access his grandfather’s documents, further connecting him to his heritage.

Leonora Halm-Eberstein Quotes in Daniel Deronda

The Daniel Deronda quotes below are all either spoken by Leonora Halm-Eberstein or refer to Leonora Halm-Eberstein . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Identity and Self-Discovery Theme Icon
Chapter 51 Quotes

“I did not want affection. I had been stifled with it. I wanted to live out the life that was in me, and not to be hampered with other lives... I was a great singer, and I acted as well as I sang. All the rest were poor beside me. Men followed me from one country to another. I was living a myriad lives in one. I did not want a child.”

Related Characters: Leonora Halm-Eberstein (speaker), Daniel Deronda
Page Number: 626
Explanation and Analysis:
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Leonora Halm-Eberstein Quotes in Daniel Deronda

The Daniel Deronda quotes below are all either spoken by Leonora Halm-Eberstein or refer to Leonora Halm-Eberstein . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Identity and Self-Discovery Theme Icon
Chapter 51 Quotes

“I did not want affection. I had been stifled with it. I wanted to live out the life that was in me, and not to be hampered with other lives... I was a great singer, and I acted as well as I sang. All the rest were poor beside me. Men followed me from one country to another. I was living a myriad lives in one. I did not want a child.”

Related Characters: Leonora Halm-Eberstein (speaker), Daniel Deronda
Page Number: 626
Explanation and Analysis: