Daniel Deronda


George Eliot

Daniel Deronda: Chapter 25 Summary & Analysis

Upon learning that Gwendolen has left Leubronn, Grandcourt grows bored and tells Lush he plans to return to Diplow. However, he lingers aimlessly, instead of leaving right away, which frustrates Lush. He maintains his usual cold detachment, exchanging brief words with Lady Mallinger and Daniel, the latter of whom resents Grandcourt’s presence but remains outwardly civil. Grandcourt, sensing Daniel’s silent awareness of their family connection, finds satisfaction in imagining his less fortunate cousin’s envy.
Grandcourt drags out his departure, making decisions slowly, not because of hesitation but because he enjoys his own indifference. He knows Daniel resents him but says nothing, letting the discomfort settle. Daniel has no choice but to remain civil, which makes Grandcourt’s presence feel like a quiet act of dominance.
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Meanwhile, Lush enjoys gossiping with Sir Hugo about Grandcourt’s affairs, particularly the baronet’s interest in acquiring Diplow should Grandcourt need money. Lush also indulges in speaking freely behind his patron’s back, knowing that Sir Hugo treats Lush as a useful but second-tier associate. However, his conversation with Sir Hugo gets cut short when Grandcourt abruptly orders their departure for Paris, with instructions for Lush to go ahead to Diplow and make the necessary arrangements.
Lush gossips with Sir Hugo because it gives him a sense of control. He knows he holds no real power but enjoys stirring discussions about Grandcourt’s affairs. The conversation ends when Grandcourt abruptly announces his plans, reminding Lush that his influence only goes so far. Grandcourt’s whims dictate everything, and Lush’s role is to adjust accordingly.
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At Diplow, Lush uses his time to gather intelligence on Gwendolen’s situation. He discovers her family’s financial ruin and speculates about its effect on Grandcourt’s unpredictable whims. On one hand, her poverty might mean she’s less likely to reject him, making it easier for Grandcourt to propose. On the other, certainty of acceptance might repel him, as he thrives on the power to dangle prospects before others.
At Diplow, Lush studies Gwendolen’s downfall, knowing Grandcourt loses interest when something becomes too easy. He waits, uncertain whether Grandcourt will grow bored or move forward with his usual slow, deliberate cruelty. Either way, Lush understands that his position depends on playing along with whatever Grandcourt decides.
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When Grandcourt arrives, his focus on the stables suggests a renewed interest in Gwendolen. Lush debates whether to interfere but ultimately waits for an opening. The next morning, Grandcourt casually asks if Gwendolen is still at Offendene. Lush reports the family’s financial collapse and adds that she may have already left to take a governess position. He also strongly discourages Grandcourt from continuing to pursue her. Unfazed, Grandcourt orders a servant to determine Gwendolen’s whereabouts.
Grandcourt’s decision takes shape in the smallest gestures. He doesn’t argue or discuss, just sends a servant to confirm what he already suspects. Lush tries to push him away from Gwendolen, but Grandcourt never acts based on advice. He waits until the outcome is inevitable, then steps in as if it was always his intention.
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Emboldened by irritation and the likelihood of his own future dismissal, Lush reveals that Gwendolen has already learned about Lydia and her children. He expects this revelation to rattle Grandcourt, but Grandcourt shows no visible reaction. Instead of being deterred, he calmly writes a letter to Gwendolen and orders it delivered immediately. Lush realizes, too late, that his attempt to manipulate Grandcourt has backfired. Instead of discouraging him, the revelation of Gwendolen’s awareness has only solidified his resolve.
Lush overplays his hand when he mentions Lydia. He expects Grandcourt to back off, but the lack of reaction makes it clear that Grandcourt never considered this an obstacle. Instead of retreating, he writes to Gwendolen immediately, proving that resistance only makes him more determined. Lush realizes too late that he has fed into exactly what he hoped to stop.
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