Daniel Deronda


George Eliot

Daniel Deronda: Chapter 65 Summary & Analysis

Daniel answers Gwendolen’s summons with apprehension, acutely aware of her deep emotional reliance on him. He meets her at Sir Hugo’s home, where she immediately asks for guidance regarding Grandcourt’s will. Gwendolen expresses a willingness to reject the inheritance entirely but wishes to provide for Mrs. Davilow. Daniel advises her to accept the provisions of the will, emphasizing that Grandcourt’s obligations extended to her mother as well. He encourages her to see her life as a chance for redemption and to focus on living with purpose and penitence. His words deeply affect Gwendolen, who takes them as a source of hope and strength.
Gwendolen does not trust herself to make the right decision and believes that Daniel’s judgment carries more weight than her own. Her willingness to reject Grandcourt’s inheritance shows her desire for self-punishment, as if refusing the money could absolve her guilt. Daniel, however, encourages her to accept it for her mother’s sake, shifting the focus from personal atonement to practical responsibility. His advice forces her to think beyond her own suffering and consider what she owes to others.
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As Daniel prepares to leave, Gwendolen struggles to let him go, pleading for his continued presence in her life. Daniel, torn between his compassion and the inevitable difficulty of their connection, reassures her that he will return. Before her departure for the countryside, Gwendolen resolves to relocate her family to Offendene. She focuses on this plan as a way to find purpose and stability, unaware of the broader changes in Daniel’s life or the forces that might shape her future. Their meeting maintains Gwendolen’s hope that Daniel will remain a central figure in her life.
Gwendolen struggles to let Daniel go, fearing that without his presence, she will lose her only source of moral direction. Her reliance on him has not lessened since Grandcourt’s death, making it clear that she still sees him as a guide rather than an equal. Daniel, aware of this imbalance, reassures her but avoids making promises about the future. As she prepares to relocate to Offendene, she clings to the idea that he will remain part of her life, not realizing that his path is leading elsewhere.
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