Daniel Deronda


George Eliot

Mrs. Gascoigne Character Analysis

Mrs. Gascoigne is Gwendolen’s aunt and Mr. Gascoigne’s wife. Like her husband, she embodies the conventional values of Victorian society, prioritizing family reputation and financial security. Though she occasionally questions Gwendolen’s behavior, she ultimately supports the decision for Gwendolen to marry Grandcourt, viewing it as a necessary step to secure the family’s future.
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Mrs. Gascoigne Character Timeline in Daniel Deronda

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Gascoigne appears in Daniel Deronda. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Identity and Self-Discovery Theme Icon
Marriage, Gender, and Control Theme Icon
Familial Duty Theme Icon
...furniture. While they are settling in, the family receives a visit from Mr. Gascoigne and Mrs. Gascoigne , along with their daughter, Anna. Mr. Gascoigne is a confident man with a commanding... (full context)
Identity and Self-Discovery Theme Icon
Marriage, Gender, and Control Theme Icon
...and even convinces her uncle to join her in a duet. Afterward, Mr. Gascoigne and Mrs. Gascoigne privately discuss Gwendolen’s future. Mr. Gascoigne sees her as someone with potential for a good... (full context)
Chapter 8
Marriage, Gender, and Control Theme Icon
Familial Duty Theme Icon
...side, feeling torn between worry for Rex and anger at Gwendolen for causing his pain. Mrs. Gascoigne also resents Gwendolen, accusing her of being heartless, while Mr. Gascoigne remains practical. He focuses... (full context)
Chapter 9
Identity and Self-Discovery Theme Icon
Marriage, Gender, and Control Theme Icon
Familial Duty Theme Icon
Meanwhile, tensions linger between Gwendolen, Mrs. Gascoigne , and Anna due to Gwendolen’s treatment of Rex. Anna avoids mentioning her brother, and... (full context)
Chapter 28
Marriage, Gender, and Control Theme Icon
...Grandcourt’s generosity, as he has offered to support Mrs. Davilow in her time of need. Mrs. Gascoigne reminds Gwendolen that she could have been engaged earlier if not for her hesitation and... (full context)