Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Christopher Paul Curtis's The Mighty Miss Malone. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The Mighty Miss Malone: Introduction
The Mighty Miss Malone: Plot Summary
The Mighty Miss Malone: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The Mighty Miss Malone: Themes
The Mighty Miss Malone: Quotes
The Mighty Miss Malone: Characters
The Mighty Miss Malone: Symbols
The Mighty Miss Malone: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Christopher Paul Curtis

Historical Context of The Mighty Miss Malone
Other Books Related to The Mighty Miss Malone
- Full Title: The Mighty Miss Malone
- When Written: 2010s
- Where Written: Ontario, Canada
- When Published: 2012
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Middle Grade Novel, Historical Fiction
- Setting: Gary, Indiana and Flint, Michigan in 1937–1938
- Climax: Deza finds her brother Jimmie at a nightclub in Detroit.
- Point of View: First Person
Extra Credit for The Mighty Miss Malone
Unofficial Cities. Deza, Jimmie, and Mrs. Malone find themselves living in a Flint, Michigan squatter’s camp filled with people who had been displaced by the Great Depression. Communities like this one, christened “Hoovervilles” by frustrated people who felt that the administration of President Herbert Hoover wasn’t doing enough to address the economic pain of the Great Depression, sprung up across the United States in the 1930s. The largest Hooverville in the United States was located near St. Louis, Missouri. It had up to 5,000 residents and semi-permanent public institutions like a church made of orange crates at one point.
Knockout Friends. Schmeling won his 1936 fight against Joe Louis not because he was necessarily a better boxer but because he’d prepared much more rigorously for the match by analyzing Louis’s technique. Following their fights, and despite the enmity between their countries in the lead-up to and aftermath of World War II, the two men developed a lifelong friendship. Schmeling was even a pallbearer at Louis’s funeral.