The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

Stew (Donna Stewart) Character Analysis

Donna Stewart is the unofficial leader of the Flint encampment for indigent people. Although she is a White woman, she treats everyone the camp fairly, and she takes a particular liking to Deza, offering to share her stash of Reader’s Digest magazines with the girl. Stew prizes order and neatness and strives to make sure that the residents of the camp treat it, and each other, with respect.

Stew (Donna Stewart) Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Stew (Donna Stewart) or refer to Stew (Donna Stewart). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 22 Quotes

The opening of the hut that caught my eye was closest to the fire. There was a cloth pulled to one side that you could drop down to cover where the front door was supposed to be. Even in the dark I could tell the cloth was gingham. It was too dark to be sure if it was blue.

I walked over to touch the material. It was a little dirty and a lot stiffer than Mrs. Needham’s dress, but it was still beautiful. And it was blue.

Mother smiled. “Deza, which one?”

I said, “It’s got to be some kind of a sign!”

Stew said, “Good choice.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Stew (Donna Stewart) (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mrs. Karen Needham
Related Symbols: Dress
Page Number: 190
Explanation and Analysis:
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Stew (Donna Stewart) Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Stew (Donna Stewart) or refer to Stew (Donna Stewart). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 22 Quotes

The opening of the hut that caught my eye was closest to the fire. There was a cloth pulled to one side that you could drop down to cover where the front door was supposed to be. Even in the dark I could tell the cloth was gingham. It was too dark to be sure if it was blue.

I walked over to touch the material. It was a little dirty and a lot stiffer than Mrs. Needham’s dress, but it was still beautiful. And it was blue.

Mother smiled. “Deza, which one?”

I said, “It’s got to be some kind of a sign!”

Stew said, “Good choice.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Stew (Donna Stewart) (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mrs. Karen Needham
Related Symbols: Dress
Page Number: 190
Explanation and Analysis: