The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

Epiphany “Eppie” Carter Character Analysis

Epiphany Carter, affectionately called “Eppie,” is the daughter of Miss Julia Carter. She and her mother meet Mrs. Malone, Deza, and Jimmie when all five of them are staying at Marvin’s girlfriend’s house. She and her mother hop a train and ride with the Malones as far as Detroit, where they part ways.

Epiphany “Eppie” Carter Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Epiphany “Eppie” Carter or refer to Epiphany “Eppie” Carter. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 21 Quotes

Mother said to Miss Carter, “Julia, isn’t this terribly unsafe?”

“Shoot, girl, Yeah, it’s all unsafe. You gonna have to be extra careful when you get to camp, that’s unsafe too, if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just like anything else, there’s just enough bad folks in camp to make it so you got to keep your guard up at all times. It’s especially hard on women, and even worse for little girls.”

She looked at me and a shiver went through my heart. “You just gotta keep your wits about you and don’t let no one in on your business. Keep it to yourself why you’re on the road alone.”

Mother’s 1-1-1 lines jumped out.

“Always let folks think your husband or your brother is with you, always tell ’em that he’s gonna be back later tonight. There’s strength in numbers.”

Related Characters: Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Miss Julia Carter (speaker), Deza Malone, Mr. James Edward Malone, Mr. Roscoe Malone, Epiphany “Eppie” Carter
Page Number: 180-181
Explanation and Analysis:
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Epiphany “Eppie” Carter Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Epiphany “Eppie” Carter or refer to Epiphany “Eppie” Carter. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 21 Quotes

Mother said to Miss Carter, “Julia, isn’t this terribly unsafe?”

“Shoot, girl, Yeah, it’s all unsafe. You gonna have to be extra careful when you get to camp, that’s unsafe too, if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just like anything else, there’s just enough bad folks in camp to make it so you got to keep your guard up at all times. It’s especially hard on women, and even worse for little girls.”

She looked at me and a shiver went through my heart. “You just gotta keep your wits about you and don’t let no one in on your business. Keep it to yourself why you’re on the road alone.”

Mother’s 1-1-1 lines jumped out.

“Always let folks think your husband or your brother is with you, always tell ’em that he’s gonna be back later tonight. There’s strength in numbers.”

Related Characters: Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Miss Julia Carter (speaker), Deza Malone, Mr. James Edward Malone, Mr. Roscoe Malone, Epiphany “Eppie” Carter
Page Number: 180-181
Explanation and Analysis: