The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

The Mighty Miss Malone Characters

Deza Malone

Twelve-year-old Deza is the daughter of Mrs. Malone and Mr. Malone and the younger sister of Jimmie. Growing up in Gary, Indiana, she is the academic superstar of her grade, earning the highest marks… read analysis of Deza Malone

Mr. James Edward Malone

James Malone, known to everyone as Jimmie, is the son of Mr. Malone and Mrs. Malone and the older brother of Deza. An indifferent student, Jimmie has an incredible talent for singing. Everyone who… read analysis of Mr. James Edward Malone

Mrs. Margaret Malone

A native of Gary, Indiana, Mrs. Margaret Malone is the wife of Mr. Malone and the mother of Jimmie and Deza. A tall, graceful, and loving woman, she is the hardworking backbone of the… read analysis of Mrs. Margaret Malone

Mr. Roscoe Malone

Mr. Roscoe Malone is the husband of Mrs. Malone and the father of Jimmie and Deza. Born and raised in Flint, Michigan, Mr. Malone is trained as a carpenter even though the thing that… read analysis of Mr. Roscoe Malone

Clarice Anne Johnson

Clarice Anne Johnson is Deza Malone’s classmate and best friend. She has a crush on Deza’s brother Jimmie. Like Deza, Clarice is bookish and studious, and when the girls aren’t in school, they… read analysis of Clarice Anne Johnson
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Mrs. Karen Needham

Mrs. Karen Needham is Deza Malone’s fifth-grade teacher in Gary, Indiana. Strict and exacting, Mrs. Needham has high standards for all her students, which is why low and indifferent achievers (like Benny Cobb and… read analysis of Mrs. Karen Needham

Dr. Bracy

Dr. Bracy is a Black female professor who lives in Gary, Indiana. Deza and Jimmie Malone meet her when Jimmie steals a fresh-baked pie from her window and the siblings go to her house to… read analysis of Dr. Bracy

Joe Louis

The historical figure Joe Louis was a Black American boxer whose professional career saw him rise to prominence and fame in the early 1930s. Until his match against Max Schmeling in 1936, Louis was undefeated… read analysis of Joe Louis

Max Schmeling

The historical figure Max Schmeling was a German man who became the world heavyweight boxing champion in 1930, a title he held for two years. In 1936 and again in 1938, he boxed against Black… read analysis of Max Schmeling

Mr. Steve “Steel Lung” Henderson

Mr. Henderson is a friend of Mr. Malone and the husband of Mrs. Henderson. He is one of the few Black men in Gary with a stable job working in the steel mills, but… read analysis of Mr. Steve “Steel Lung” Henderson

Miss Julia Carter

Miss Julia Carter is the mother of Eppie Carter. She and her daughter are traveling around the Midwest searching for work and a stable home when she finds herself staying temporarily at the home… read analysis of Miss Julia Carter

Dolly Peaches

Dolly Peaches is a classmate of Deza Malone and Clarice Anne Johnson in Mrs. Needham’s class. A poor student and a bully, Dolly torments the other children and even beats them up on occasion… read analysis of Dolly Peaches

Stew (Donna Stewart)

Donna Stewart is the unofficial leader of the Flint encampment for indigent people. Although she is a White woman, she treats everyone the camp fairly, and she takes a particular liking to Deza, offering… read analysis of Stew (Donna Stewart)

Marvelous Marvin Ware

The Marvelous Marvin Ware is a well-to-do Black resident of Gary, Indiana, who makes his living by running a small-time gambling ring for the city’s poor Black residents. He befriends Jimmie after hearing Jimmie singing… read analysis of Marvelous Marvin Ware

Mrs. Carsdale

Mrs. Carsdale is a wealthy, White woman who lives in Gary, Indiana. Her husband is the president of a bank there, and she employs Mrs. Malone as her housekeeper. When the Carsdale family decides to… read analysis of Mrs. Carsdale

Mr. Zeke “Saw Bones” Zee

Mr. Zeke Zee is a White musician who played music with some of the biggest Black Jazz singers of the era, including Bessie Smith. He plays the harmonica. When he hears Jimmie Malone singing in… read analysis of Mr. Zeke “Saw Bones” Zee

Mrs. Ashton

Mrs. Ashton is a White librarian who works at the Gary Public Library. Although she has a certain fondness for the polite and studious Deza Malone and Clarice Anne Johnson—and although she’s excited to… read analysis of Mrs. Ashton


The girlfriend of the Marvelous Marvin Ware lives in a large and comfortable house on the outskirts of Chicago. When Marvin thinks he can make a few quick dollars by giving people (like Miss Carterread analysis of Girlfriend

Epiphany “Eppie” Carter

Epiphany Carter, affectionately called “Eppie,” is the daughter of Miss Julia Carter. She and her mother meet Mrs. Malone, Deza, and Jimmie when all five of them are staying at Marvin’s girlfriendread analysis of Epiphany “Eppie” Carter
Minor Characters
Loretta Small
Loretta Small is the elder of the Small sisters, who live next to Deza, Jimmie, and Mrs. Malone in the Flint encampment. She has a crush on Jimmie. Loretta attends the same integrated middle school as Deza and warns her about the teachers’ racist behavior.
Mrs.  Henderson
Mrs. Henderson is a friend of Mr. Malone, Mrs. Malone, Jimmie, and Deza, and the wife of Mr. Steve “Steel Lung” Henderson. She stays with the Malone families during the time between the discovery of Hank’s and Carlos’s bodies and the return of Mr. Malone after the boating accident.
Mr. Alums
Mr. Alums is a Black elementary schoolteacher and neighbor to Mrs. Malone and Deza when they rent a room in a house in Flint. He recognizes Deza’s intelligence and, to inspire her, gives her books written by and about Black people.
Kathleen Small
Kathleen is the younger of the two Small sisters. The Small family lives next door to Deza, Mrs. Malone, and Jimmie in the Flint encampment.
Sad-eyed Boy
The sad-eyed boy is one of countless unhoused and indigent people who pass through the Flint encampment on their way to look for a better life. Although he’s only in camp one night, Deza befriends him.
Hank is a friend of Mr. Malone, Carlos, and Mr. Steve “Steel Lung” Henderson. He goes along on the ill-fated fishing trip and dies when he and Carlos get into a physical altercation and capsize the boat.
Carlos is a friend of Mr. Malone, Hank, and Mr. Steve “Steel Lung” Henderson. He goes along on the ill-fated fishing trip and dies when he and Hank get into a physical altercation and capsize the boat.
Mrs. Brand
Mrs. Brand is a kind coworker of Mrs. Malone who gives Mrs. Malone and Deza a temporary place to stay after the authorities dismantle the Flint encampment where unhoused people are living.
Mr. Rhymes
Mr. Rhymes is a friend of the Malone family who happens to own a car. When Mrs. Malone needs help finding Mr. Malone after the boating accident, Mr. Rhymes helps her out.
Dr. Mitwally
Dr. Mitwally is the Detroit dentist who fixes the teeth of Jimmie Malone and Deza Malone.
Benny Cobb
Benny Cobb is a classmate of Deza Malone and Clarice Anne Johnson. A low academic performer, he is also a bully and is friends with Dolly Peaches.