The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

Marvelous Marvin Ware Character Analysis

The Marvelous Marvin Ware is a well-to-do Black resident of Gary, Indiana, who makes his living by running a small-time gambling ring for the city’s poor Black residents. He befriends Jimmie after hearing Jimmie singing in the park. Even though Jimmie refuses to work for Ware, Ware helps Jimmie and the Malones out when their landlord kicks them out of their house three days early—for a small fee. Thanks to his relative affluence, Ware dresses in a flashy style, wears gold jewelry, and drives a fancy black Buick.

Marvelous Marvin Ware Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Marvelous Marvin Ware or refer to Marvelous Marvin Ware. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 20 Quotes

The woman who answered the door was strikingly beautiful and long-limbed and dressed in a flowing robe that looked like an orange cloud had left the skies and was floating around her legs.

She smiled and hugged Jimmie. “Little Jimmie! I know you from the park! I love your voice, poppa!”


The woman told the numbers man, “I’m only doing this because it’s Little Jimmie’s family. You already dumped that Carter woman and her brat in the basement and that’s that. This ain’t no hotel or no orphanage either.”

Marvelous Marvin said, “Woman, please.”

She pointed at me. “I’d best not catch you snooping round my sister’s room neither.”

Related Characters: Marvelous Marvin Ware (speaker), Girlfriend (speaker), Deza Malone, Mrs. Margaret Malone
Page Number: 169
Explanation and Analysis:
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Marvelous Marvin Ware Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Marvelous Marvin Ware or refer to Marvelous Marvin Ware. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 20 Quotes

The woman who answered the door was strikingly beautiful and long-limbed and dressed in a flowing robe that looked like an orange cloud had left the skies and was floating around her legs.

She smiled and hugged Jimmie. “Little Jimmie! I know you from the park! I love your voice, poppa!”


The woman told the numbers man, “I’m only doing this because it’s Little Jimmie’s family. You already dumped that Carter woman and her brat in the basement and that’s that. This ain’t no hotel or no orphanage either.”

Marvelous Marvin said, “Woman, please.”

She pointed at me. “I’d best not catch you snooping round my sister’s room neither.”

Related Characters: Marvelous Marvin Ware (speaker), Girlfriend (speaker), Deza Malone, Mrs. Margaret Malone
Page Number: 169
Explanation and Analysis: