The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

Dolly Peaches is a classmate of Deza Malone and Clarice Anne Johnson in Mrs. Needham’s class. A poor student and a bully, Dolly torments the other children and even beats them up on occasion. He purposefully mispronounces Deza’s name “DEE-za” and makes up mean rhymes taunting Jimmie. On the last day of the school year in 1936, when Deza finds Dolly besting Jimmie in a fistfight, she leaps to her brother’s defense and knocks Dolly down because she’s listened to Mr. Malone and knows much more about the physics of boxing than Dolly does.

Dolly Peaches Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Dolly Peaches or refer to Dolly Peaches. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 5 Quotes

“Deza, I have been teaching longer than you could imagine, and I’ve always had the dream any teacher worth her salt has. I had thought, prior to this year, that I would have to be satisfied in coming close to the dream once, before, alas, ‘the best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft a-gley….’

“The dream is the gift of having one student, just one, who is capable of making a real contribution. One child who’d have no choice but to make a difference for our people.

“Out of the thousands of students I’ve had in the thousands of years I’ve been teaching, I’ve suspected for quite a while who the child I’ve been waiting for is.”

All I could think was, I love her like a sister, but, please, just don’t say Clarice!

“Miss Malone, you are that child.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Karen Needham (speaker), Clarice Anne Johnson, Dolly Peaches, Benny Cobb
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I loved how I had raised my arm like I was carrying a magical sword and all the little thugs got quiet. They parted for me and Clarice like the Red Sea did for Moses! But most of all I loved knowing that when something was happening to someone, I could do more than wring my hands, I could strike back!

I loved those feelings at the same time I hated them.

Fighting is wrong and very unladylike, but worse than that, by gut-punching the biggest bully at Lincoln Woods School I had humiliated Jimmie. And even though I’d stopped him from being hurt and maybe even murdered, I now saw a very scary side of myself.

Brain number two was starting to take over.

All I could hope was that Jimmie would understand that I was trying to rescue him.

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mrs. Margaret Malone , Mr. Roscoe Malone, Clarice Anne Johnson, Dolly Peaches
Page Number: 69-70
Explanation and Analysis:
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Dolly Peaches Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Dolly Peaches or refer to Dolly Peaches. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 5 Quotes

“Deza, I have been teaching longer than you could imagine, and I’ve always had the dream any teacher worth her salt has. I had thought, prior to this year, that I would have to be satisfied in coming close to the dream once, before, alas, ‘the best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft a-gley….’

“The dream is the gift of having one student, just one, who is capable of making a real contribution. One child who’d have no choice but to make a difference for our people.

“Out of the thousands of students I’ve had in the thousands of years I’ve been teaching, I’ve suspected for quite a while who the child I’ve been waiting for is.”

All I could think was, I love her like a sister, but, please, just don’t say Clarice!

“Miss Malone, you are that child.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Karen Needham (speaker), Clarice Anne Johnson, Dolly Peaches, Benny Cobb
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I loved how I had raised my arm like I was carrying a magical sword and all the little thugs got quiet. They parted for me and Clarice like the Red Sea did for Moses! But most of all I loved knowing that when something was happening to someone, I could do more than wring my hands, I could strike back!

I loved those feelings at the same time I hated them.

Fighting is wrong and very unladylike, but worse than that, by gut-punching the biggest bully at Lincoln Woods School I had humiliated Jimmie. And even though I’d stopped him from being hurt and maybe even murdered, I now saw a very scary side of myself.

Brain number two was starting to take over.

All I could hope was that Jimmie would understand that I was trying to rescue him.

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mrs. Margaret Malone , Mr. Roscoe Malone, Clarice Anne Johnson, Dolly Peaches
Page Number: 69-70
Explanation and Analysis: