The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

Dress Symbol Icon

The brand new, fashionable blue gingham dress Mrs. Needham gives to Deza Malone as a gift represents the hope that the future will be brighter than the present. Deza’s family is desperately poor. The country is in the midst of the Great Depression, and Mr. Malone has been out of work for months. Deza’s clothing is old, ratty, and falling apart, which explains why the dress is so important to her: it’s more beautiful than she could ever imagine owning. Mrs. Needham also gives Deza the dress in the context of an offer to give her private tutoring and education. Deza is the most gifted student Mrs. Needham has ever taught, and she has the capacity to grow up to be something great like a writer or a professor or other kind of professional. Mrs. Needham wants to help Deza make good on her potential, partly for Deza, and partly for Mrs. Needham herself. She also wants Deza to succeed for the good of Black Americans generally, who suffer from profound racism, prejudice, and limitation.

Although Deza accidentally leaves the dress behind in Gary when her family moves to Flint, the hope it represents travels with her. She picks the hovel she, Jimmie, and Mrs. Malone live in at the encampment for unhoused people because it has a blue gingham curtain that reminds her of the dress. And when they’re forced to abandon the camp, Mrs. Malone takes the curtain along and turns it into a jumper for Deza. In some ways, the jumper isn’t as nice as the dress was—it’s smaller, and Deza must wear it with another hand-me-down, a shirt Mrs. Malone bought from one of her coworkers. But the jumper also shows that Deza’s hope is still alive, and in a way, it’s even more meaningful because it is the result of Mrs. Malone’s hard work. Together, the dress and jumper suggest that Deza will achieve success and have a happy life. But they also pointedly remind readers that this life won’t just happen for Deza—rather, it will be the result of hard work, unfailing hope, and a scrappy determination to do whatever is necessary to make things work out.

Dress Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below all refer to the symbol of Dress. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 6 Quotes

As I smoothed my fingers over the dress I started having worries. Maybe I should show her only my shoes … no, maybe only my dress. …

My other brain said, “He’s right, you know, kiddo…”

And just like that, I did know. If the bad brain was agreeing with him then Jimmie was wrong.

I gave myself a good soapy wash and smoothed my hair back with a little Vaseline. I put baking soda in my palm and brushed my teeth. I rubbed some more of the Vaseline into my legs and arms till they were nice and shiny. I put on the new slip, the socks and shoes. Then, being extra careful not to get any Vaseline on it, I slid the most beautiful piece of blue gingham clothes ever made over my head.

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mrs. Margaret Malone , Mrs. Karen Needham
Related Symbols: Dress
Page Number: 53-54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 22 Quotes

The opening of the hut that caught my eye was closest to the fire. There was a cloth pulled to one side that you could drop down to cover where the front door was supposed to be. Even in the dark I could tell the cloth was gingham. It was too dark to be sure if it was blue.

I walked over to touch the material. It was a little dirty and a lot stiffer than Mrs. Needham’s dress, but it was still beautiful. And it was blue.

Mother smiled. “Deza, which one?”

I said, “It’s got to be some kind of a sign!”

Stew said, “Good choice.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Stew (Donna Stewart) (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mrs. Karen Needham
Related Symbols: Dress
Page Number: 190
Explanation and Analysis:
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