The Mighty Miss Malone


Christopher Paul Curtis

Mrs. Carsdale is a wealthy, White woman who lives in Gary, Indiana. Her husband is the president of a bank there, and she employs Mrs. Malone as her housekeeper. When the Carsdale family decides to move to Europe to wait out the worst of the depression, she offers Mrs. Malone a very uninspired letter of recommendation to help her find a new job, but it’s so bad that Deza decides to forge a replacement.

Mrs. Carsdale Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Carsdale or refer to Mrs. Carsdale. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 17 Quotes

Mother touched my cheek. “No, Deza, it’s not that but it’s good nonetheless!”

She said, “Ta-da!” I read Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Flint, Michigan in very good penmanship.

Mrs. Carsdale had given us the letter for a new job in Flint! This was good news!

Not really, but when you’re feeling bad you can’t be picky about what kind of things can lift you up.

“Oh, Mother, you got it! So now we can move to Flint and find Father?”

Mother said, “Why on earth would a sensible Indiana girl want to move to Flint, Michigan?”

“If Flint’s where we’ll find Father I’ll go. The quicker we find him, the quicker we can get back to Gary.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mr. Roscoe Malone, Mrs. Carsdale
Page Number: 139-140
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mrs. Carsdale Quotes in The Mighty Miss Malone

The The Mighty Miss Malone quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Carsdale or refer to Mrs. Carsdale. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hope Theme Icon
Chapter 17 Quotes

Mother touched my cheek. “No, Deza, it’s not that but it’s good nonetheless!”

She said, “Ta-da!” I read Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Flint, Michigan in very good penmanship.

Mrs. Carsdale had given us the letter for a new job in Flint! This was good news!

Not really, but when you’re feeling bad you can’t be picky about what kind of things can lift you up.

“Oh, Mother, you got it! So now we can move to Flint and find Father?”

Mother said, “Why on earth would a sensible Indiana girl want to move to Flint, Michigan?”

“If Flint’s where we’ll find Father I’ll go. The quicker we find him, the quicker we can get back to Gary.”

Related Characters: Deza Malone (speaker), Mrs. Margaret Malone (speaker), Mr. James Edward Malone, Mr. Roscoe Malone, Mrs. Carsdale
Page Number: 139-140
Explanation and Analysis: