Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Toni Morrison's Jazz. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Jazz: Introduction
Jazz: Plot Summary
Jazz: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Jazz: Themes
Jazz: Quotes
Jazz: Characters
Jazz: Symbols
Jazz: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Toni Morrison

Historical Context of Jazz
Other Books Related to Jazz
- Full Title: Jazz
- When Written: Early 1990s
- Where Written: Princeton, New Jersey and Hudson Valley, New York
- When Published: 1992
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Novel
- Setting: Harlem, New York City
- Climax: Joe Trace tracks his young lover Dorcas to a party, where he shoots and kills her.
- Antagonist: Dorcas
- Point of View: First Person
Extra Credit for Jazz
Picking Favorites. Morrison’s most widely-read books are Beloved and Song of Solomon, but Morrison frequently told interviewers that Jazz was the novel she was most proud of. Jazz, which was among the works cited when Morrison won the Nobel Prize, is also considered the author’s most difficult text, largely because of its complex form (meant to mimic the structure of jazz itself).
Intertextual Interest. Morrison herself has compared Wild, one of the characters in Jazz, to the titular character of her previous novel Beloved. But some recent literary scholars have gone even further in linking the two novels, suggesting that Jazz’s Joe Trace is himself actually Beloved’s son—and that Beloved and Wild are not just similar but one and the same.