At many points in the graphic novel, V defaces government posters and buildings by carving a “V” symbol. The symbol is simple: a circle with two diagonal slashes through it, forming the letter “V.” The significance of the “V” is very clear: it represents an act of vandalism against the signs and buildings that Norsefire deems important, and thus an affront to the authority of Norsefire itself. It’s no coincidence that the “V” symbol is nearly identical to the popular “anarchy symbol,” spray-painted onto walls across the world—like its real-life twin, the “V” represents a rebellion against not only Norsefire, but against all big, tyrannical regimes.
“V” symbol Quotes in V for Vendetta
“Did you think to kill me? There’s no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There’s only an idea. Ideas are bulletproof.”
Because you were so big, V, and what if you’re just nobody? Or even if you’re someone, you’ll be smaller, because of all the people that you could have been, but weren’t.