V for Vendetta


Alan Moore

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V for Vendetta: Book 2, Chapter 8 Summary & Analysis

Evey walks to the Kitty Kat Killer, the club where she saw Creedy in Chapter 6. On the way there, she bumps into Rosemary, who apologizes for startling her, and walks away.
There’s some satisfying dramatic irony in these kinds of (literal) run-ins. We know that Rosemary and Evey have a great deal in common, but neither Evey nor Rosemary recognizes this fact.
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Evey, carrying the gun she took from Gordon, waits in an alley by the stage door for the Kitty Kat Killer Club. After many hours, she sees a car pulling up. The two men who killed Gordon step out of the car, speaking in their distinctive Yorkshire accents, which Evey remembers hearing yesterday, when Gordon died. Evey is about to shoot the two men when a mysterious figure grabs the gun from her hand and wrestles her to the ground, knocking her out.
The chapter ends on a mysterious note: we don’t know who the figure is (although we can certainly hazard a guess), and we don’t know why it’s attacking Evey. Evey’s first attempt at using violence for her own “vendetta” goes awry at the start.
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