At the beginning of the graphic novel, the Norsefire regime broadcasts information to its people, making use of the “Voice of Fate.” Lewis Prothero, a large man with a splendid, authoritative voice, is tasked with reading information about the country over the radio. Because of Norsefire’s propaganda, the people of England have come to believe that Prothero’s voice isn’t actually that of a man at all—it is, literally, the voice of the computer program that the government uses to keep tabs on its people. This is exactly what the Norsefire government intends: it wants the people of England to treat the Voice of Fate as infallible, a symbol of Norsefire’s boundless power and knowledge. After V kidnaps Prothero and drives him insane, Norsefire is forced to replace Prothero with a new, lackluster voice. Because Norsefire has lost a valuable symbol, the people of England begin to doubt the authority of their government.
Voice of Fate Quotes in V for Vendetta
Uncaring fate? It is said there is no question that can be formulated that you cannot answer. Tell me this, then: Am I loved?