V for Vendetta


Alan Moore

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V for Vendetta Characters


V is by far the most notable character in V for Vendetta: he has the greatest amount of dialogue, he is the subject of the most attention from the other characters, his name is… read analysis of V

Evey Hammond

Evey Hammond is 16 years old at the beginning of V for Vendetta, when she’s saved by V and taken to his underground lair to be his student and assistant. Initially, Evey finds V… read analysis of Evey Hammond

Mr. Conrad Heyer

The head of the Eye, the Norsefire institution charged with video monitoring all citizens of London, Conrad Heyer is a weak-willed, ineffectual man. He spends long hours watching Londoners in their homes, and is… read analysis of Mr. Conrad Heyer

The Leader / Adam Susan

Adam Susan, usually known by his title, the Leader, is the dictator of England. His Norsefire regime ascended to power following a brutal, mysterious war that destroyed much of the planet. As Leader, Susan immediately… read analysis of The Leader / Adam Susan

Mr. Derek Almond

Derek Almond is the head of the Finger, Norsefire’s law enforcement institution. He’s a cruel, cold man, though an undeniably effective law enforcement officer. At several points, he’s shown to mistreat his wife, Rosemaryread analysis of Mr. Derek Almond
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Mr. Eric Finch

Eric Finch is a talented, thoughtful detective, and one of the most important figures at the Nose (the Norsefire institution that investigates terrorism and other major crimes). Finch is unlike the majority of his colleagues… read analysis of Mr. Eric Finch

Roger Dascombe

An important agent of the Norsefire government’s broadcasting system, Roger Dascombe is one of the more ambiguous secondary characters in V for Vendetta. His talents for broadcasting and propaganda are so immense that the… read analysis of Roger Dascombe

Dominic Stone

The loyal assistant of Eric Finch, Dominic Stone is a talented detective for the Nose who plays an invaluable role in tracking down V. Like Finch, Dominic seems to have misgivings about the… read analysis of Dominic Stone

Lewis Prothero

The “Voice of Fate,” Lewis Prothero performs a crucial service for the Norsefire government. Every night, he reads the information printed by the Fate Computer, so that his voice is broadcast over every television and… read analysis of Lewis Prothero

Helen Heyer

Helen Heyer is the strong, intelligent, and manipulative wife of Conrad Heyer. In the latter half of V for Vendetta, she masterminds an elaborate plan to depose the Leader of England, Adam Susan… read analysis of Helen Heyer

Rosemary Almond

As V for Vendetta begins, Rosemary Almond is the quiet, timid wife of Derek Almond. When V murders her husband, Rosemary is denied a pension from the government, and risks falling into poverty. Desperate… read analysis of Rosemary Almond

Delia Surridge

Delia Surridge is a middle-aged doctor who worked at Larkhill Prison years before V for Vendetta begins. She is a talented doctor, who researched drugs that could alter the human mind and body, and gave… read analysis of Delia Surridge

Bishop Anthony Lilliman

Bishop Anthony Lilliman is a hypocritical, highly corrupt clergyman who once served as a chaplain at Larkhill Prison. Since this time, Lilliman has ascended to be the Bishop of Westminster, where he delivers sermons that… read analysis of Bishop Anthony Lilliman

Peter Creedy

Peter Creedy is the successor of Derek Almond at the Finger, the law enforcement branch of the Norsefire government. Creedy is a cruel, bullying man, indifferent to the suffering of others. When it becomes… read analysis of Peter Creedy


Valerie is a lesbian actress whose life story inspires both V and Evey to oppose the Norsefire government. Valerie endured mockery and homophobia as a young woman before moving to London and becoming a successful… read analysis of Valerie


A middle-aged London gangster and smuggler who takes in Evey Hammond after V abandons her. Gordon is kind and gentle with Evey, though his gentleness carries with it an aggressive, sexual undertone—eventually, he begins sleeping… read analysis of Gordon

Alistair “Ally” Harper

Alistair Harper is a young, ambitious London gangster who plays a major role in three separate storylines of V for Vendetta. First, he is responsible for murdering Gordon, thereby triggering Evey’s attempt… read analysis of Alistair “Ally” Harper
Minor Characters
Valerie’s lesbian lover, and a fellow actress. When Ruth is arrested by Norsefire agents who disapprove of her sexuality, she’s tortured, and ultimately informs on Valerie. Ruth feels so guilty about her betrayal that she kills herself immediately afterwards.
Mr. Brian Etheridge
The head of the Ear, murdered by V in an explosion.
Bishop Anthony Lilliman’s assistant, who knows about Lilliman’s pedophilia and adultery, and seems to approve of it.
Mr. Bishop
A witness to V’s kidnapping of Lewis Prothero.
A gangster friend of Gordon, who tries and fails to save his aging mother from the gas chambers, to which the elderly are sent under the Leader’s regime.
Rita Boyd
A lesbian who is sent to Larkhill Camp where is experimented on, and who ultimately dies.