The Godfather


Mario Puzo

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Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo Character Analysis

Sollozzo is a narcotics smuggler and dealer. He approaches Don Vito Corleone with a proposition to make the Corleone Family partners in his heroin ring in exchange for protection from the corrupt judges and politicians that Don Corleone keeps on his payroll. As Sollozzo is a powerfully built, intimidating figure of dark complexion, Tom Hagen likens the man’s fearsomeness to that of Corleone Family enforcer, Luca Brasi. His nickname, “The Turk,” derives from the fact he is skilled with a knife (a trait attributed to Turkish thieves) and because he amassed his heroin empire in Turkey and allegedly married a Turkish woman. Puzo also likens Sollozzo’s prominent nose to that of a Turkish scimitar (sabre). Sollozzo proposes to use his contacts in Turkey to harvest poppies and ship them to Sicily, where his Italian mob connections will process the poppies into heroin. With the backing of the Tattaglia Crime Family, Sollozzo wants to smuggle the heroin into America and distribute it with the aid of the Corleones. When Don Vito rejects Sollozzo’s offer because he believes the drug business is too dangerous and “dirty,” Sollozzo attempts to murder Vito so that he can do business with Sonny, who expresses interest in the drug operation. When Michael eventually kills Sollozzo and McCluskey as retaliation for their hit on Don Vito, the murders set off the Five Families War. In contrast to old-line “moustache Pete” bosses like Vito, who fears that drugs will scare off his political allies, Sollozzo’s character represents the new era of Mafia business, which has no moral qualms about embracing drug trafficking.
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Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo Character Timeline in The Godfather

The timeline below shows where the character Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo appears in The Godfather. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
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Tom Hagen reminds Don Corleone that he must soon meet with narcotics dealer Virgil Sollozzo to discuss a possible partnership. The Don then instructs Hagen to go to California to... (full context)
Chapter 2
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Power Theme Icon discuss the Woltz affair, as well as to plan the upcoming meeting with Virgil Sollozzo. The Don calls Woltz’s pedophilia an infamia (“infamous behavior”) and orders Hagen to punish Woltz... (full context)
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Sollozzo wants to use Don Corleone’s political contacts in order to shield his drug distribution from... (full context)
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Don Corleone, Sonny, and Hagen meet with the fearsome Sollozzo, who informs them the rival Tattaglia Family is backing his drug trafficking plan. The Turk... (full context)
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...Long Beach home on Christmas Day. Hagen walks down a New York City street until Sollozzo stops him in his tracks, and orders him into a nearby car. Meanwhile, Michael and... (full context)
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...Corleone’s assassins shot him five times but he is still alive. He also learns that Sollozzo has snatched Tom Hagen. (full context)
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...a cop on the Corleone Family payroll, informs Sonny about the shooting. Enraged, Sonny suspects Sollozzo, but knows the Turk must have powerful allies to have dared such a hit. When... (full context)
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...also wonder what happened to Luca Brasi, who Don Corleone had dispatched to spy on Sollozzo and his allies the Tattaglia Family. (full context)
Chapter 3
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Tom Hagen arrives in a car with Sollozzo to a secret location, where Sollozzo informs Hagen that Don Corleone is dead, and that... (full context)
Chapter 4
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...Corleone’s corner office. Michael notices a “hit list” that includes the names Phillip Tattaglia and Sollozzo. Hagen’s wife, Theresa, sits anxiously, awaiting any word about her husband. (full context)
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Loyalty and Betrayal Theme Icon who betrayed Don Corleone because he stands to gain the most from colluding with Sollozzo and the Tattaglias. Sonny confirms their suspicions after tracking Paulie’s phone calls back to a... (full context)
Chapter 5
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Hagen tells the other men that Sollozzo let him go after he convinced the Turk that he could get Sonny and Don... (full context)
Chapter 7
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...spy mission for the Don. He discusses “joining” the Tattaglias as the Family’s new enforcer. Sollozzo emerges from the shadows and guarantees Luca millions of dollars if he joins his drug... (full context)
Chapter 8
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The members of the Corleone Family are working on a plan to deal with Sollozzo, and Fredo is still in a state of shock over his father’s near-assassination. Michael and... (full context)
Chapter 9
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...Kay in the city, but he is preoccupied thinking about Sonny and his strategy against Sollozzo. He feels he should have more sympathy for his father, but he understands Hagen’s advice... (full context)
Chapter 10
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Michael suspects that Sollozzo was in the first car that drove by, and that McCluskey is on the Turk’s... (full context)
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...also learns that the Corleones successfully hit Bruno Tattaglia earlier that morning. With Bruno dead, Sollozzo once again calls Sonny to set up a meeting. (full context)
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Later that morning, Sonny, Hagen, Michael, Tessio, and Clemenza discuss whether to meet Sollozzo. The Turk refuses to negotiate with the hotheaded Sonny and prefers to speak with the... (full context)
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Hagen then confirms that McCluskey is indeed on Sollozzo’s payroll and stands to gain “a piece” of the Turk’s drug operation. Hagen argues that... (full context)
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...the most extreme measures are justified,” and lays out a plan. He will meet with Sollozzo and McCluskey at a public place that will guarantee his safety. He will go unarmed,... (full context)
Chapter 11
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...An old friend of Bruno Tattaglia, McCluskey found it easy to collaborate with him and Sollozzo, especially since he believes no Mafia hood would dare kill a police officer. (full context)
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...instructs Michael on how to shoot the gun he will use to kill McCluskey and Sollozzo. Clemenza warns Michael that the hits will pit the Corleones in a war with all... (full context)
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Sonny finally learns that the meeting between Michael, Sollozzo, and McCluskey will happen at Luna Azure restaurant in the Bronx. Tessio knows the restaurant... (full context)
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Michael waits outside of a restaurant on Broadway for Sollozzo’s car to arrive. When it does, Michael finds himself riding with the Turk, McCluskey, and... (full context)
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McCluskey, Sollozzo, and Michael begin their meeting in the restaurant. The Turk and Michael converse in Italian.... (full context)
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...for a few more minutes, Michael rises from his chair and shoots both McCluskey and Sollozzo in the head. Michael then flees the restaurant into Tessio’s waiting car. Tessio asks him... (full context)
Chapter 15
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...and begin questioning Kay about Michael Corleone and his possible connection to the murders of Sollozzo and McCluskey. Kay’s father, Mr. Adams, also greets the detectives. Kay insists, “Mike wouldn’t do... (full context)
Chapter 17
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...however, newspapers print stories containing definitive proof (which Tom Hagen supplies) that links McCluskey to Sollozzo’s drug rackets. The revelation shocks police departments across the city not because McCluskey had taken... (full context)
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After informing Don Corleone about Michael and the murders of Sollozzo and McCluskey, Hagen and Sonny exit Don Corleone’s bedroom to discuss the ongoing war between... (full context)
Chapter 20
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...hostage swapping to ensure protection for mob representatives. When Michael Corleone, for example, met with Sollozzo and McCluskey, the Corleone Family held a Bocchicchio Family member in his place. This ensured... (full context)
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Family Theme Icon all “honorable men.” He outlines the backstory behind his refusal to do business with Sollozzo.” The affair involved drugs, in which I have no interest,” he states, “I had no... (full context)
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Loyalty and Betrayal Theme Icon Don Corleone’s “reasonable” opening statement. “Don Corleone is too modest,” he states, adding that Sollozzo and the Tattaglia Family could not run narcotics without protection from the judges and politicians... (full context)
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...him. This revelation leads Hagen to conclude what the Don already knows: Barzini was behind Sollozzo and is still allied with the Tattaglias. Understanding that the Godfather is concocting a plan... (full context)
Chapter 21
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...the Bocchicchio Family that if Felix (who is doomed anyways) confesses to the murders of Sollozzo and McCluskey, thereby-exonerating Michael, the Corleone Family will provide for Felix’s family for the remainder... (full context)
Chapter 25
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...understand that before anything else.” Kay asks if the police apprehended the man who killed Sollozzo and McCluskey, and Michael says that it was reported in the papers. He denies that... (full context)