Crime and Justice
The Godfather tells the story of the Corleone Family, in which the primary protagonists are the leaders of a New York-based Mafia organization—first Don Vito Corleone and then his son, Michael Corleone. Perhaps it should be no surprise that in a novel in which the “bad guys” are the focus of the story that the concepts of crime and justice are, at their core, complicated.
The primary source of the complicated nature of crime…
read analysis of Crime and JusticePower
In its portrayal of the rise of the Corleone crime Family to power, and its central family’s struggle to maintain that power in the face of various competing factions, both inside and outside the family, The Godfather explores the nature of power. The novel’s exploration of power proceeds at two different levels. First, it examines interpersonal and organizational power, the qualities required in leaders to build and run organizations. Second, it explores the differences between…
read analysis of PowerMasculinity and Patriarchy
The Godfather is a novel in which men dominate. The novel is primarily about men—most of the characters are male. And those men engage constantly in a fight for dominance over the other men around them. In addition, it is accepted as a matter of course among these men that they should dominate the women in their lives. Many of the men in the novel view women not as equal human beings, but as objects…
read analysis of Masculinity and Patriarchy
Family is essential in The Godfather, but it is also complicated. Puzo’s novel focuses on Don Corleone and his blood relatives, as well as the relatives and associates that make up the Corleone Family. It is impossible, however, for Don Vito (and later Michael Corleone) to maintain duel loyalties to both families because the two are interwoven. The crime Family is the blood family’s source of income, and as such, Don Vito much…
read analysis of FamilyLoyalty and Betrayal
The Corleone Family prizes loyalty and considers betrayal to be a transgression punishable by death. However, because the Mafia’s goal is to seek power and make money by most any illegal means possible, it is a breeding ground for traitors seeking to get more than they currently have. Foiling likely attempts at betrayal, in fact, is built into the very structure of the organization. Below the Don of the Family (Don Corleone)…
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