

Christopher Marlowe

Mycetes Character Analysis

Mycetes is the original king of Persia, a weak and incompetent buffoon. His brother Cosroe insults him to his face, and the other members of his court merely pay him lip service while secretly backing Cosroe’s plan to usurp the throne. His cowardly attempt to hide his crown in battle provides an occasion for Tamburlaine to show his kingliness by contrast.

Mycetes Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Mycetes or refer to Mycetes. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 1 Quotes

Brother Cosroe, I find myself aggrieved
Yet insufficient to express the same,
For it requires a great and thund’ring speech.
Good brother, tell the cause unto my lords,
I know you have a better wit than I.

Related Characters: Mycetes (speaker), Tamburlaine, Cosroe
Page Number: 1.1.1-5
Explanation and Analysis:

Art thou but captain of a thousand horse,
That by characters graven in thy brows
And by thy martial face and stout aspect
Deservest to have the leading of an host?
Forsake thy king and do but join with me
And we will triumph over all the world.
I hold the Fates bound fast in iron chains
And with my hand turn Fortune’s wheel about,
And sooner shall the sun fall from his sphere
Than Tamburlaine be slain or overcome.

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Theridamas , Mycetes
Related Symbols: The Stars
Page Number: 1.2.168-177
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mycetes Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Mycetes or refer to Mycetes. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 1 Quotes

Brother Cosroe, I find myself aggrieved
Yet insufficient to express the same,
For it requires a great and thund’ring speech.
Good brother, tell the cause unto my lords,
I know you have a better wit than I.

Related Characters: Mycetes (speaker), Tamburlaine, Cosroe
Page Number: 1.1.1-5
Explanation and Analysis:

Art thou but captain of a thousand horse,
That by characters graven in thy brows
And by thy martial face and stout aspect
Deservest to have the leading of an host?
Forsake thy king and do but join with me
And we will triumph over all the world.
I hold the Fates bound fast in iron chains
And with my hand turn Fortune’s wheel about,
And sooner shall the sun fall from his sphere
Than Tamburlaine be slain or overcome.

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Theridamas , Mycetes
Related Symbols: The Stars
Page Number: 1.2.168-177
Explanation and Analysis: