

Christopher Marlowe

Calyphas Character Analysis

Calyphas is the lazy one of Tamburlaine’s three sons. Finding war boring and distasteful, he openly disdains taking part in it, enraging his father. He prefers wine and women to bloodshed. When he skips out on a crucial battle, Tamburlaine is so infuriated that he fatally stabs him, despite the entreaties of his men and his other sons. This moment highlights the extent of Tamburlaine’s brutality in his rigid adherence to a masculine code of honor. Had Zenocrate still been living, she could possibly have swayed him, but in her absence, his wrath is unchecked.

Calyphas Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Calyphas or refer to Calyphas . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 2 Quotes

AMYRAS: Why may not I, my lord, as well as he,
Be termed a scourge and terror of the world?

TAMBURLAINE: Be all a scourge and terror to the world,
Or else you are not sons of Tamburlaine.

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Calyphas , Amyras , Celebinus
Page Number: 1.4.61-64
Explanation and Analysis:

But now, my boys, leave off, and list to me,
That mean to teach you rudiments of war.
I'll have you learn to sleep upon the ground,
March in your armour thorough watery fens,
Sustain the scorching heat and freezing cold,
Hunger and thirst, right adjuncts of the war.
And after this, to scale a castle wall,
Besiege a fort, […]

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Zenocrate , Calyphas , Amyras , Celebinus
Page Number: 3.2.53-60
Explanation and Analysis:

I know, sir, what it is to kill a man—
It works remorse of conscience in me;
I take no pleasure to be murderous
Nor care for blood when wine will quench my thirst.

Related Characters: Calyphas (speaker)
Page Number: 4.1.27-30
Explanation and Analysis:
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Calyphas Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Calyphas or refer to Calyphas . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 2 Quotes

AMYRAS: Why may not I, my lord, as well as he,
Be termed a scourge and terror of the world?

TAMBURLAINE: Be all a scourge and terror to the world,
Or else you are not sons of Tamburlaine.

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Calyphas , Amyras , Celebinus
Page Number: 1.4.61-64
Explanation and Analysis:

But now, my boys, leave off, and list to me,
That mean to teach you rudiments of war.
I'll have you learn to sleep upon the ground,
March in your armour thorough watery fens,
Sustain the scorching heat and freezing cold,
Hunger and thirst, right adjuncts of the war.
And after this, to scale a castle wall,
Besiege a fort, […]

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Zenocrate , Calyphas , Amyras , Celebinus
Page Number: 3.2.53-60
Explanation and Analysis:

I know, sir, what it is to kill a man—
It works remorse of conscience in me;
I take no pleasure to be murderous
Nor care for blood when wine will quench my thirst.

Related Characters: Calyphas (speaker)
Page Number: 4.1.27-30
Explanation and Analysis: