

Christopher Marlowe

Agydas is one of Zenocrate’s original attendants, along with Magnetes, when Tamburlaine captures her. Early in their captivity, he inquires into Zenocrate’s distraught behavior. He cannot believe her when she reveals that she’s falling in love with Tamburlaine. He calls Tamburlaine a brute, not knowing that he’s watching from the shadows. Tamburlaine responds with a messenger carrying a dagger, and Agydas understands that he must kill himself to avoid an even worse fate.
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Agydas Character Timeline in Tamburlaine

The timeline below shows where the character Agydas appears in Tamburlaine. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1
Honor Theme Icon
Fortune and Destiny Theme Icon
Beauty and Violence Theme Icon
...is wooing the Egyptian princess Zenocrate, whom he has captured along with her servants, including Agydas. She resists, though his evident charisma has already won him the loyal followers Techelles and... (full context)
Honor Theme Icon
Fortune and Destiny Theme Icon
Beauty and Violence Theme Icon
Act 3, Scene 2. Back in Asia Minor, Agydas asks Zenocrate what’s bothering her, and it seems she’s lovesick and tormented over Tamburlaine. Agydas... (full context)