

Christopher Marlowe

Almeda Character Analysis

Almeda is the watchman over Callapine in Tamburlaine’s camp. Callapine bribes Almeda with the promise of riches and power to let him escape, winning Almeda’s fierce loyalty from there on out. This sequence is reminiscent of Tamburlaine’s own early rise to power and gathering of dependable men, perhaps suggesting that Tamburlaine’s time is at an end and a new cycle is beginning.
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Almeda Character Timeline in Tamburlaine

The timeline below shows where the character Almeda appears in Tamburlaine. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Honor Theme Icon
Fortune and Destiny Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 3. In Egypt, Bajazeth’s son Callapine—encaged by Tamburlaine just like his father—convinces Almeda, the henchman assigned to guard him, to set him free. He claims to have an... (full context)
Honor Theme Icon
Fortune and Destiny Theme Icon
...and swear their armies to him to fight Tamburlaine. Callapine reaffirms his promise to make Almeda a king. (full context)
Honor Theme Icon
Fortune and Destiny Theme Icon
...forces. They exchange verbal barbs and plan for a decisive battle. Tamburlaine berates the traitorous Almeda. (full context)