Discourse on the Origin of Inequality


Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Themes and Colors
Critique of the Enlightenment Theme Icon
Natural vs. Artificial Inequality Theme Icon
Morality and Self-Preservation Theme Icon
The Illusion of Progress Theme Icon
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Morality and Self-Preservation Theme Icon

In Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau contrasts natural morality with the moral degradation brought by societal development. He asserts that early humans lived guided by self-preservation and natural pity, which fostered genuine morality. Society, however, introduced artificial desires and competition, distorting the basic human instinct to preserve life into selfishness and greed. In the state of nature, humans acted with simplicity and compassion. Rousseau argues that self-preservation (or amour de soi) motivated individuals to ensure their survival without harming others unnecessarily. This instinct was balanced by natural pity, which led people to avoid causing suffering. For example, a person might refrain from taking food from someone in greater need, prioritizing empathy over their own gain. In this context, morality existed organically, tied to the preservation of life and harmony.

Society altered this balance by introducing self-love (or amour-propre). As humans formed communities, they became preoccupied with appearances and status, often prioritizing these artificial goals over genuine needs. Rousseau uses the example of wealth accumulation to illustrate this shift. A person in society might hoard resources not out of necessity but to elevate their status above others, disregarding the impact on those left without. This transformation corrupted natural morality. The instinct for self-preservation became entangled with greed and envy, leading to exploitation and conflict. Rousseau critiques this moral decay, noting that individuals in society often harm others to advance their position, undermining the natural empathy that once governed their actions. Rousseau’s examination of morality demonstrates how societal structures distort basic human instincts. What begins as a drive for survival rooted in compassion becomes a pursuit of power and status, eroding the moral foundation that once united humanity in mutual care.

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Morality and Self-Preservation Quotes in Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

Below you will find the important quotes in Discourse on the Origin of Inequality related to the theme of Morality and Self-Preservation.
Letter to the Republic of Geneva Quotes

I would have wanted to live and die free, that is to say, subject to the laws in such wise that neither I nor anyone else could shake off their honorable yoke: that pleasant and salutary yoke, which the most arrogant heads bear with all the greater docility, since they are made to bear no other.

I would therefore have wanted it to be impossible for anyone in the state to say that he was above the law and for anyone outside to demand that the state was obliged to give him recognition. For whatever the constitution of a government may be, if a single man is found who is not subject to the law, all the others are necessarily at his discretion.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:

It should not be surprising that the leaders of a civil society love its glory and happiness; but, unfortunately for the tranquility of men, that those who consider themselves as the magistrates, or rather as the masters, of a more holy and more sublime homeland manifest some love for the earthly homeland which nourishes them. How sweet it is for me to be able to make such a rare exception in our favor, and to place in the rank of hour best citizens those zealous trustees of the sacred dogmas authorized by the laws, those venerable pastors of souls, whose lively and sweet eloquence the better instills the maxims of the Gospel into people’s hearts as they themselves always begin by practicing them.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 8
Explanation and Analysis:
Preface Quotes

Of all the branches of human knowledge, the most useful and the least advanced seems to me to be that of man; and I dare say that the inscription on the temple at Delphi alone contained a precept more important and more difficult than all the huge tomes of the moralists. Thus I regard the subject of this discourse as one of the most interesting questions that philosophy is capable of proposing, and unhappily for us, one of the thorniest that philosophers can attempt to resolve. For how can the source of the inequality among men be known unless one begins knowing men themselves? And how will man be successful in seeing himself as nature formed him, through all the changes that the succession of time and things must have produced in his original constitution […] ?

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Primitive or “Savage” Man
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1 Quotes

Every animal has ideas, since it has senses; up to a certain point it even combines its ideas, and in this regard man differs from an animal only in degree. Some philosophers have even suggested that there is a greater difference between two given men than between a given man and an animal. Therefore it is not so much understanding which causes the specific distinction of man from all other animals as it is his being a free agent. Nature commands every animal, and beasts obey. Man feels the same impetus, but he knows he is free to go along or to resist; and it is above all in the awareness of this freedom that the spirituality of his soul is made manifest.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:

Whatever the moralists may say about it, human understanding owes much to the passions, which, by common consensus, also owe a great deal to it. It is by their activity that our reason is perfected.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:

Above all, let us not conclude with Hobbes that because man has no idea of goodness he is naturally evil […] we could say that savages are not evil precisely because they do not know what it is to be good; for it is neither the development of enlightenment nor the restraint imposed by the law, but the calm of the passions and the ignorance of vice which prevents them from doing evil. So much more profitable to these is the ignorance of vice than the knowledge of virtue is to those.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Primitive or “Savage” Man
Page Number: 35
Explanation and Analysis:

There must first be agreement that the more violent the passions are, the more necessary the laws are to contain them. But over and above the fact that the disorders and the crimes these passions cause daily in our midst show quite well the insufficiency of the laws in this regard, it would still be good to examine whether these disorders did not come into being with the laws themselves; for then, even if they were capable of repressing them, the least one should expect of them would be that they call a halt to an evil that would not exist without them.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Related Symbols: Property
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:

Without needlessly prolonging these details, anyone should see that, since the bonds of servitude and formed merely from the mutual dependence of men and the reciprocal needs that unite them, it is impossible to enslave a man without having first put him in the position of being incapable of doing without another. This being a situation that did not exist in the state of nature, it leaves each person free of the yoke, and renders pointless the law of the strongest.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2 Quotes

Young people of different sexes live in neighboring huts; the passing intercourse demanded by nature soon leads to another, through frequent contact with one another, no less sweet and more permanent. People become accustomed to consider different objects and to make comparisons. Imperceptibly they acquire the ideas of merit and beauty which produce feelings of preference. By dint of seeing one another, they can no longer get along without seeing one another again. A sweet and tender feeling insinuates itself into the soul and at the least opposition becomes an impetuous fury. Jealousy awakens with love; discord triumphs, and the sweetest passion receives sacrifices of human blood.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 49
Explanation and Analysis:

From the cultivation of land, there necessarily followed the division of land; and from property once recognized, the first rules of justice. For in order to render everyone what is his, it is necessary that everyone can have something.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Related Symbols: Property
Page Number: 52
Explanation and Analysis:

Before representative signs of wealth had been invented, it could hardly have consisted of anything but lands and livestock, the only real goods men can possess. Now when inheritances had grown in number and size to the point of covering the entire landscape and of all bordering on one another, some could no longer be enlarged except at the expense of others; and the supernumeraries whom weakness or indolence had prevented from acquiring an inheritance in their turn, became poor without having lost anything, because while everything changed around them, they alone had not changed at all.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Related Symbols: Property
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:

Our political theorists produce the same sophisms about the love of liberty that our philosophers have made about the state of nature. By the things they see they render judgements about very different things they have not seen; and they attribute to men a natural inclination to servitude owing to the patience with which those who are before their eyes endure their servitude, without giving a thought to the fact that it is the same for liberty as it is for innocence and virtue: their value is felt only as long as one has them oneself, and the taste for them is lost as soon as one has lost them.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Page Number: 59-60
Explanation and Analysis:

Pufendorf says that just as one transfers his goods to another by conventions and contracts, one can also divest himself of his liberty in favor of someone. That, it seems to me, is very bad reasoning; for, in the first place, the goods I give away become something utterly foreign to me, and it is important to me that my liberty is not abused, and I cannot expose myself to becoming thee instrument of crime without making myself guilty of the evil I will be forced to commit. Moreover, since the right of property is merely the result of convention and human institution, every man can dispose of what he possesses as he sees fit. But it is not the same for the essential gifts of nature such as life and liberty, which everyone is allowed to enjoy, and of which it is at least doubtful that one has the right to divest himself.

Related Characters: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (speaker)
Related Symbols: Property
Page Number: 62
Explanation and Analysis: