War and Peace

War and Peace


Leo Tolstoy

Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky Character Analysis

Nikolushka is Prince Andrei’s son. His mother, Princess Lise, died giving birth to him. When Nikolushka is seven, his father dies. At 15, he especially admires his uncle Pierre and wants to be like him. Nikolenka is a lonely, somewhat delicate, idealistic young man who longs to make a difference in the world.

Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky Quotes in War and Peace

The War and Peace quotes below are all either spoken by Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky or refer to Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Epilogue, Part 1: Chapters 8–16 Quotes

Sometimes the thought occurred to her that this difference was caused by age; but she felt that she was guilty before him, and in her heart she promised herself to mend her ways and do the impossible— that is, in this life to love her husband, and her children, and Nikolenka, and all who were close to her as Christ loved mankind. Countess Marya’s soul always strove towards the infinite, eternal, and perfect, and therefore could never be at peace. The stern expression of concealed, lofty suffering of a soul burdened by a body came to her face. Nikolai looked at her […] and, standing in front of the icon, he began to recite the evening prayers.

Related Characters: Nikolai Rostov (speaker), Princess Marya Bolkonsky, Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky
Page Number: 1174
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Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky Quotes in War and Peace

The War and Peace quotes below are all either spoken by Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky or refer to Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Epilogue, Part 1: Chapters 8–16 Quotes

Sometimes the thought occurred to her that this difference was caused by age; but she felt that she was guilty before him, and in her heart she promised herself to mend her ways and do the impossible— that is, in this life to love her husband, and her children, and Nikolenka, and all who were close to her as Christ loved mankind. Countess Marya’s soul always strove towards the infinite, eternal, and perfect, and therefore could never be at peace. The stern expression of concealed, lofty suffering of a soul burdened by a body came to her face. Nikolai looked at her […] and, standing in front of the icon, he began to recite the evening prayers.

Related Characters: Nikolai Rostov (speaker), Princess Marya Bolkonsky, Nikolai Andreich (Nikolushka or Nikolenka) Bolkonsky
Page Number: 1174
Explanation and Analysis: