War and Peace

War and Peace


Leo Tolstoy

Anna Pavlovna Scherer Character Analysis

Anna Pavlovna is a middle-aged Petersburg society lady, a maid of honor to the Emperor’s mother. She hosts cultured soirées where important people mingle and discuss politics. Prince Vassily Kuragin is a frequent guest. She has an animated personality, and fulfilling society’s expectations is important to her. She also loves to use her influence to marry people off. In 1812, her salon is pro-Russian, refusing to even speak French.
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Anna Pavlovna Scherer Character Timeline in War and Peace

The timeline below shows where the character Anna Pavlovna Scherer appears in War and Peace. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Volume 1, Part 1: Chapters 1–4
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
War and Peace Theme Icon
In July 1805, Anna Pavlovna Scherer throws a party. In French, she greets her first guest, Prince Vassily, begging him... (full context)
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Anna Pavlovna and Prince Vassily chat about society events and about the emissary Novosiltsov. The prince tells... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
European Culture vs. The Russian Soul Theme Icon
Anna Pavlovna says that Russia must be Europe’s “savior.” No other country, especially not England, understands the... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Love, Marriage, and Family Theme Icon
...discuss Prince Vassily’s other children, especially his two problematic sons, foolish Ippolit and troublesome Anatole. Anna Pavlovna suggests marrying off Anatole, perhaps to their mutual relation Princess Marya Bolkonsky. The Princess is... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
...Pierre is a fat, fashionable young man who’s just returned from his education abroad. As Anna Pavlovna makes the rounds of her guests, she worries about Pierre, who is socially inexperienced and... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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The soirée breaks up into three circles, a mostly masculine one, a youthful one, and Anna Pavlovna with the Viscount of Mortemart, a popular French émigre whom Anna Pavlovna intends to be... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
War and Peace Theme Icon
...take advantage of the moment, and Bonaparte later had the duke killed for his “magnanimity.” Anna Pavlovna intervenes in Pierre and the abbé Morio’s animated political discussion—the abbé is presenting his pet... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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Anna Pavlovna asks Prince Andrei Bolkonsky about his war enlistment. Bolkonsky explains that General Kutuzov wanted him... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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...duke’s murder, the French have ceased to see Bonaparte as a hero. But then, to Anna Pavlovna ’s horror, Pierre bursts into the conversation praising Bonaparte for executing the duc d’Enghien. He... (full context)
Volume 1, Part 1: Chapters 5–6
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Love, Marriage, and Family Theme Icon
...smile inclines everyone to forgive his missteps. As Princess Lise leaves, she quietly plans with Anna Pavlovna to match her sister-in-law Marya with Anatole, Prince Vassily’s son. Prince Ippolit gets in everyone’s... (full context)
Volume 1, Part 1: Chapters 7–11
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
...focuses on the current gossip: Count Bezukhov’s illness, and his son Pierre’s improper behavior at Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s soirée. And now Pierre has been banished to Moscow for his behavior at Anatole’s.... (full context)
Volume 1, Part 3: Chapters 1–5
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Love, Marriage, and Family Theme Icon
Happiness and the Meaning of Life  Theme Icon
...most of his time with Prince Vassily, the Prince’s wife, the Prince’s daughter Hélène, and Anna Pavlovna Scherer, who—like everyone else—now seems to find him “charmant” instead of tactless and awkward. Early... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Love, Marriage, and Family Theme Icon
Happiness and the Meaning of Life  Theme Icon
At the party, Anna Pavlovna pointedly pairs off the young couple to keep her elderly aunt company. Though uninterested in... (full context)
Volume 2, Part 2: Chapters 5–9
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
Love, Marriage, and Family Theme Icon
...returns to Petersburg, she assumes the role of a suffering martyr among her society friends. Anna Pavlovna Scherer, for her part, claims that she always knew Pierre was “crazy,” never supported this... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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Anna Pavlovna is still throwing her soirées. She invites the cream of Petersburg, and the parties always... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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...associates with those who can be of some benefit to him. When he’s invited to Anna Pavlovna ’s, he believes he’s moving up in the world. After the party, Hélène Bezukhov frequently... (full context)
Volume 3, Part 2: Chapters 6–12
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
European Culture vs. The Russian Soul Theme Icon
War and Peace Theme Icon
The outward life of Petersburg salons never changes. The people in Anna Pavlovna ’s salon watch Napoleon nervously, believing that European sovereigns indulge him in order to cause... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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Prince Vassily is a mediating figure between the two circles, alternating between his friend Anna Pavlovna ’s and his daughter Hélène’s salons. As a result, sometimes he gets confused and says... (full context)
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
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After hearing this news, Prince Vassily shows up at Anna Pavlovna ’s salon. When he praises the appointment, a distinguished gentleman reminds Vassily of his former... (full context)
Volume 4, Part 1: Chapters 1–3
Society and Wealth Theme Icon
European Culture vs. The Russian Soul Theme Icon
War and Peace Theme Icon
Happiness and the Meaning of Life  Theme Icon
On the day of the battle of Borodino, August 26th, Anna Pavlovna throws a soirée. The party’s centerpiece will be the dramatic reading of a patriotic letter... (full context)
European Culture vs. The Russian Soul Theme Icon
War and Peace Theme Icon
Happiness and the Meaning of Life  Theme Icon
The last of the guests arrives, so Anna Pavlovna tells Prince Vassily to begin his reading. The metropolitan’s letter refers to France as “the... (full context)
European Culture vs. The Russian Soul Theme Icon
Love, Marriage, and Family Theme Icon
War and Peace Theme Icon
Anna Pavlovna is right. The next day, the Emperor’s birthday, Kutuzov sends a report of victory at... (full context)