The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

Maedhros Character Analysis

The eldest son of Fëanor, Maedhros joins his father and brothers in swearing an oath to fight anyone who withholds one of the Silmarils. He’s the only one of his brothers who refuses to burn the Teleri’s ships after Fëanor refuses to send them back for Fingolfin’s followers. After being captured by Melkor in Middle-earth and freed by his cousin Finrod, Maedhros passes on kingship over the Noldor to Fingolfin and focuses on healing the rift among the Noldor elves. He founds the Union of Maedhros to attack Melkor and reclaim the Silmarils—a battle which ends in a disastrous loss for the elves—and participates in all three of the Kinslayings in his efforts to reclaim the Silmarils. Though Maedhros is reasonable and diplomatic, he refuses to forsake his oath even if it kills him. Maedhros steals the two remaining Silmarils from Eönwë after Melkor’s defeat and, unable to bear the pain when the Silmarils burn him, throws himself into a fiery pit. His fate proves the folly of excessive pride and greed.

Maedhros Quotes in The Silmarillion

The The Silmarillion quotes below are all either spoken by Maedhros or refer to Maedhros. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Chapter 13 Quotes

Then Fingon the valiant, son of Fingolfin, resolved to heal the feud that divided the Noldor […] Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros; and though he knew not yet that Maedhros had not forgotten him at the burning of the ships, the thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart. Therefore he dared a deed which is justly renowned among the feats of the princes of the Noldor: alone, and without the counsel of any, he set forth in search of Maedhros; and aided by the very darkness that Morgoth had made he came unseen into the fastness of his foes.

Related Characters: Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Maedhros, Fingolfin, Fingon
Related Symbols: Darkness
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Thus was the treachery of Uldor redressed; and of all the deeds of war that the fathers of Men wrought in behalf of the Eldar, the last stand of the Men of Dor-lómin is most renowned.


Last of all Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed; and it is sung that the axe smoked in the black blood of the troll-guard of Gothmog until it withered, and each time that he slew Húrin cried: ‘Aurë entuluva! Day shall come again!’

Related Characters: Húrin (speaker), Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Maedhros, Turgon, Fingon, Gothmog
Related Symbols: Light
Page Number: 195
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

‘If it be truly the Silmaril which we saw cast into the sea that rises again by the power of the Valar, then let us be glad; for its glory is seen now by many, and is yet secure from all evil.’ Then the Elves looked up, and despaired no longer; but Morgoth was filled with doubt.

Related Characters: Maglor (speaker), Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Eärendil, Elwing, Maedhros
Related Symbols: Light, The Silmarils
Page Number: 250
Explanation and Analysis:

But the jewel burned the hand of Maedhros in pain unbearable; and he perceived that it was as Eönwë had said, and that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. And being in anguish and despair he cast himself into a gaping chasm filled with fire, and so ended; and the Silmaril that he bore was taken into the bosom of the Earth.

Related Characters: Maedhros, Maglor, Eönwë
Related Symbols: The Silmarils
Page Number: 254
Explanation and Analysis:
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Maedhros Quotes in The Silmarillion

The The Silmarillion quotes below are all either spoken by Maedhros or refer to Maedhros. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Chapter 13 Quotes

Then Fingon the valiant, son of Fingolfin, resolved to heal the feud that divided the Noldor […] Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros; and though he knew not yet that Maedhros had not forgotten him at the burning of the ships, the thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart. Therefore he dared a deed which is justly renowned among the feats of the princes of the Noldor: alone, and without the counsel of any, he set forth in search of Maedhros; and aided by the very darkness that Morgoth had made he came unseen into the fastness of his foes.

Related Characters: Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Maedhros, Fingolfin, Fingon
Related Symbols: Darkness
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Thus was the treachery of Uldor redressed; and of all the deeds of war that the fathers of Men wrought in behalf of the Eldar, the last stand of the Men of Dor-lómin is most renowned.


Last of all Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed; and it is sung that the axe smoked in the black blood of the troll-guard of Gothmog until it withered, and each time that he slew Húrin cried: ‘Aurë entuluva! Day shall come again!’

Related Characters: Húrin (speaker), Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Maedhros, Turgon, Fingon, Gothmog
Related Symbols: Light
Page Number: 195
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

‘If it be truly the Silmaril which we saw cast into the sea that rises again by the power of the Valar, then let us be glad; for its glory is seen now by many, and is yet secure from all evil.’ Then the Elves looked up, and despaired no longer; but Morgoth was filled with doubt.

Related Characters: Maglor (speaker), Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Eärendil, Elwing, Maedhros
Related Symbols: Light, The Silmarils
Page Number: 250
Explanation and Analysis:

But the jewel burned the hand of Maedhros in pain unbearable; and he perceived that it was as Eönwë had said, and that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. And being in anguish and despair he cast himself into a gaping chasm filled with fire, and so ended; and the Silmaril that he bore was taken into the bosom of the Earth.

Related Characters: Maedhros, Maglor, Eönwë
Related Symbols: The Silmarils
Page Number: 254
Explanation and Analysis: