The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

Finwë is one of first elf ambassadors to Valinor and becomes the first king of the Noldor. When his eldest son Fëanor is banished from Tirion for twelve years by the Valar for threatening Fëanor’s younger half-brother Fingolfin, Finwë accompanies him in exile. At the end of the twelve years, Fëanor is invited to Manwë’s mountain, but Finwë remains in exile at Formenos and refuses to return until Fëanor has been officially pardoned by the Valar. While the Valar and the elves are occupied, Melkor kills Finwë at the doors of Formenos and steals the Silmarils. Finwë’s death is the first violent death in Valinor and the catalyst for the Noldor’s departure to Middle-earth.

Finwë Quotes in The Silmarillion

The The Silmarillion quotes below are all either spoken by Finwë or refer to Finwë. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

Thus ere the Valar were aware, the peace of Valinor was poisoned. The Noldor began to murmur against them, and many became filled with pride, forgetting how much of what they had and knew came to them in gift from the Valar. Fiercest burned the new flame of desire for freedom and wider realms in the eager heart of Fëanor; and Melkor laughed in his secrecy, for to that mark his lies had been addressed, hating Fëanor above all, and lusting ever for the Silmarils. But these he was not suffered to approach […] for Fëanor began to love the Silmarils with a greedy love, and grudged the sight of them to all save to his father and his seven sons; he seldom remembered now that the light within them was not his own.

Related Characters: Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Finwë
Related Symbols: Light, The Silmarils
Page Number: 68-69
Explanation and Analysis:
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Finwë Quotes in The Silmarillion

The The Silmarillion quotes below are all either spoken by Finwë or refer to Finwë. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

Thus ere the Valar were aware, the peace of Valinor was poisoned. The Noldor began to murmur against them, and many became filled with pride, forgetting how much of what they had and knew came to them in gift from the Valar. Fiercest burned the new flame of desire for freedom and wider realms in the eager heart of Fëanor; and Melkor laughed in his secrecy, for to that mark his lies had been addressed, hating Fëanor above all, and lusting ever for the Silmarils. But these he was not suffered to approach […] for Fëanor began to love the Silmarils with a greedy love, and grudged the sight of them to all save to his father and his seven sons; he seldom remembered now that the light within them was not his own.

Related Characters: Melkor/Morgoth, Fëanor, Finwë
Related Symbols: Light, The Silmarils
Page Number: 68-69
Explanation and Analysis: