The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo


Alexandre Dumas

Maximilien Morrel Character Analysis

Old Morrel’s only son, Maximilien makes a career as a soldier, falls in love with Valentine de Villefort, and befriends the Count of Monte Cristo. Young Morrel is a man of great bravery and commitment: he vows, for example, to live with Valentine, even if it means giving up his career as a soldier and posing as a farmer, which he does on the semi-abandoned plot next to the Villefort’s home. When the Count fakes Valentine’s death so that Valentine might be saved from Mme de Villefort’s cruel poisonings, young Morrel believes that his life is no longer worth living. But the Count asks him to persevere, eventually revealing to young Morrel that Valentine has been safely hidden on the island of Monte Cristo. The Count later bequeaths his fortune to the young couple.

Maximilien Morrel Quotes in The Count of Monte Cristo

The The Count of Monte Cristo quotes below are all either spoken by Maximilien Morrel or refer to Maximilien Morrel. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Justice, Revenge, and God’s Will Theme Icon
Chapter 103 Quotes

You see, the angel for whom you longed has left this earth. She no longer needs the adoration of men – she, who, at this moment, is adoring the Lord. So say your farewells, Monsieur, to these sad remains that she has left behind among us.

Related Characters: M. de Villefort (speaker), Maximilien Morrel, Valentine de Villefort
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 1099
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 117 Quotes

Yes, he is gone. Farewell, my friend! Farewell, my sister!

Who knows if we shall ever see them again?

My dearest ... has the Count not just told us that all human wisdom was contained in these two words – ‘wait’ and ‘hope’?

Related Characters: Maximilien Morrel (speaker), Valentine de Villefort (speaker), Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor), Haydee
Page Number: 1243
Explanation and Analysis:
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Maximilien Morrel Quotes in The Count of Monte Cristo

The The Count of Monte Cristo quotes below are all either spoken by Maximilien Morrel or refer to Maximilien Morrel. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Justice, Revenge, and God’s Will Theme Icon
Chapter 103 Quotes

You see, the angel for whom you longed has left this earth. She no longer needs the adoration of men – she, who, at this moment, is adoring the Lord. So say your farewells, Monsieur, to these sad remains that she has left behind among us.

Related Characters: M. de Villefort (speaker), Maximilien Morrel, Valentine de Villefort
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 1099
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 117 Quotes

Yes, he is gone. Farewell, my friend! Farewell, my sister!

Who knows if we shall ever see them again?

My dearest ... has the Count not just told us that all human wisdom was contained in these two words – ‘wait’ and ‘hope’?

Related Characters: Maximilien Morrel (speaker), Valentine de Villefort (speaker), Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor), Haydee
Page Number: 1243
Explanation and Analysis: