The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo


Alexandre Dumas

Initially Dantes’s betrothed, Mercedes marries her cousin Fernand when she believes Dantes will never return from prison. Mercedes is utterly devoted to Dantes; she never wanted to be with Fernand, but she relents to his desires because she doesn’t know what other option might exist for her. Mercedes and Fernand have a son, Albert, whom the Count befriends in Rome and who brings the Count back to Paris (in disguise), where he meets Mercedes again. Mercedes seems to know immediately that the Count is really her ancient love, Dantes, in disguise, but she does not address him as Edmond until very late in the novel—perhaps because she knows just how much Dantes has changed after his imprisonment. Although Mercedes and Dantes never reunite romantically, they reconcile in the closing chapters of the novel, after Dantes agrees not to harm Albert as part of his revenge on Fernand. Mercedes then pledges to live out her life quietly, as if she were a nun, in the city of her birth, Marseille.

Mercedes (de Morcerf) Quotes in The Count of Monte Cristo

The The Count of Monte Cristo quotes below are all either spoken by Mercedes (de Morcerf) or refer to Mercedes (de Morcerf). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Justice, Revenge, and God’s Will Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

Come, now ... I have a better opinion than you of women in general, and Mercedes in particular, and I am persuaded that, whether I were a captain or not, she would remain faithful to me.

Related Characters: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf), Caderousse
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 71 Quotes

How can you live like that, with nothing attaching you to life?

It is not my fault, Madame. In Malta I loved a girl and was going to marry her, when the war came and swept me away from her like a whirlwind. I thought that she loved me enough to wait for me, even to remain faithful to my tomb. When I came back, she was married.

Related Characters: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf) (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 772
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 89 Quotes

What would you say if you knew the extent of the sacrifice I am making for you? Suppose that the Lord God, after creating the world, after fertilizing the void, had stopped one-third of the way through His creation to spare an angel the tears that our crimes would one day bring to His immortal eyes. Suppose that ... God had extinguished the sun and with His foot dashed the world into eternal night ...

Related Characters: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 985-6
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 91 Quotes

Yes, I share your hope: the wrath of heaven will not pursue us, you who are so pure and I so innocent. But since we are resolved, let us act promptly. Monsieur de Morcerf left the house around half an hour ago; so, as you see, we have a good opportunity to avoid scandal or explanations.

Related Characters: Albert (de Morcerf) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf), Fernand (de Morcerf)
Page Number: 1003
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 106 Quotes

Oh, yes, now. That’s where the trying times will begin. You know what is agreed?

Have we agreed something?

Yes, it is agreed that you will live in Marseille and I shall leave for Africa. There, instead of the name I have given up, I shall make for myself the name I have adopted.

Related Characters: Mercedes (de Morcerf) (speaker), Albert (de Morcerf) (speaker)
Page Number: 1140
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mercedes (de Morcerf) Quotes in The Count of Monte Cristo

The The Count of Monte Cristo quotes below are all either spoken by Mercedes (de Morcerf) or refer to Mercedes (de Morcerf). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Justice, Revenge, and God’s Will Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

Come, now ... I have a better opinion than you of women in general, and Mercedes in particular, and I am persuaded that, whether I were a captain or not, she would remain faithful to me.

Related Characters: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf), Caderousse
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 71 Quotes

How can you live like that, with nothing attaching you to life?

It is not my fault, Madame. In Malta I loved a girl and was going to marry her, when the war came and swept me away from her like a whirlwind. I thought that she loved me enough to wait for me, even to remain faithful to my tomb. When I came back, she was married.

Related Characters: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf) (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 772
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 89 Quotes

What would you say if you knew the extent of the sacrifice I am making for you? Suppose that the Lord God, after creating the world, after fertilizing the void, had stopped one-third of the way through His creation to spare an angel the tears that our crimes would one day bring to His immortal eyes. Suppose that ... God had extinguished the sun and with His foot dashed the world into eternal night ...

Related Characters: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, the Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 985-6
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 91 Quotes

Yes, I share your hope: the wrath of heaven will not pursue us, you who are so pure and I so innocent. But since we are resolved, let us act promptly. Monsieur de Morcerf left the house around half an hour ago; so, as you see, we have a good opportunity to avoid scandal or explanations.

Related Characters: Albert (de Morcerf) (speaker), Mercedes (de Morcerf), Fernand (de Morcerf)
Page Number: 1003
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 106 Quotes

Oh, yes, now. That’s where the trying times will begin. You know what is agreed?

Have we agreed something?

Yes, it is agreed that you will live in Marseille and I shall leave for Africa. There, instead of the name I have given up, I shall make for myself the name I have adopted.

Related Characters: Mercedes (de Morcerf) (speaker), Albert (de Morcerf) (speaker)
Page Number: 1140
Explanation and Analysis: