Baer Quotes in Player Piano
“[…] The Atomic Age, that was the big thing to look forward to. Remember, Baer? And meanwhile, the tubes increased like rabbits.”
“And dope addiction, alcoholism, and suicide went up proportionately,” said Finnerty.
“That was the war,” said Kroner soberly. “It happens after every war.”
“And organized vice and divorce and juvenile delinquency, all parallel the growth of the use of vacuum tubes,” said Finnerty.
“Oh, come on, Ed,” said Paul, “you can’t prove a logical connection between those factors.”
“If there's the slightest connection, it’s worth thinking about,” said Finnerty.
Kroner looked at him with surprise. “Look, you know darn good and well history’s answered the question a thousand times.”
“It has? Has it? You know; I wouldn’t. Answered it a thousand times, has it? That’s good, good. All I know is, you’ve got to act like it has, or you might as well throw in the towel. Don’t know, my boy. Guess I should, but I don’t. Just do my job. Maybe that’s wrong.”

Baer Quotes in Player Piano
“[…] The Atomic Age, that was the big thing to look forward to. Remember, Baer? And meanwhile, the tubes increased like rabbits.”
“And dope addiction, alcoholism, and suicide went up proportionately,” said Finnerty.
“That was the war,” said Kroner soberly. “It happens after every war.”
“And organized vice and divorce and juvenile delinquency, all parallel the growth of the use of vacuum tubes,” said Finnerty.
“Oh, come on, Ed,” said Paul, “you can’t prove a logical connection between those factors.”
“If there's the slightest connection, it’s worth thinking about,” said Finnerty.
Kroner looked at him with surprise. “Look, you know darn good and well history’s answered the question a thousand times.”
“It has? Has it? You know; I wouldn’t. Answered it a thousand times, has it? That’s good, good. All I know is, you’ve got to act like it has, or you might as well throw in the towel. Don’t know, my boy. Guess I should, but I don’t. Just do my job. Maybe that’s wrong.”