Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
On Liberty: Introduction
On Liberty: Plot Summary
On Liberty: Detailed Summary & Analysis
On Liberty: Themes
On Liberty: Quotes
On Liberty: Characters
On Liberty: Terms
On Liberty: Symbols
On Liberty: Literary Devices
On Liberty: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of John Stuart Mill

Historical Context of On Liberty
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- Full Title: On Liberty
- When Written: 1854-1859
- Where Written: England and France
- When Published: 1859
- Literary Period: Victorian
- Genre: Political Essay
- Antagonist: Social and Political Tyranny
- Point of View: First Person
Extra Credit for On Liberty
Ladies’ Man. Thanks in part to his relationship with Harriet Taylor, Mill passionately supported women’s rights in essays and speeches, which was unusual for a man in the Victorian Era. In fact, he became the first member of Parliament to introduce a major petition for women’s suffrage in June 1866. This led to the first debate over whether to give women the right to vote, but Parliament did not pass the bill.
Brainiac. Mill’s childhood education was undoubtedly odd, but it produced some amazing results. Mill began learning Greek when he was just three years old and was fluent in both Greek and Latin by 10 years old. His father even put him in charge of teaching both languages to his younger siblings.