Sky/The Yellow Dog Quotes in Love That Dog
What do you mean—
Why does so much depend
a blue car?
You didn’t say before
that I had to tell why.
The wheelbarrow guy
didn’t tell why.
and especially I liked the dog
in the dog poem
because that’s just how
my yellow dog
used to lie down,
with his tongue all limp
and his chin
his paws
and how he’d sometimes
chomp at a fly
and then sleep
in his loose skin,
just like that poet
Miss Valerie Worth
in her small
dog poem.
And we did.
We chose him.
And in the car
he put his head
against my chest
and wrapped his paws
around my arm
as if he were saying
Thank you thank you thank you.
And the other dogs
in the cages
get killed dead
if nobody chooses them.
you can type up
what I wrote
about my yellow dog
but leave off the part
about the other dogs
getting killed dead
because that’s too sad.
And don’t put
my name
on it
And maybe
it would look good
on yellow paper.
And maybe
the title
should be
At both ends
of our street
are yellow signs
that say
Caution! Children at Play!
but sometimes
the cars
pay no attention
and speed down
the road
as if
they are in a BIG hurry
with many miles to go
before they sleep.
That was so great
those poems you showed us
where the words
make the shape
of the thing
that the poem
is about—
like the one about an apple
that was shaped like an apple
and the one about the house
that was shaped like a house.
My brain was pop-pop-popping
when I was looking at those poems.
I never knew a poet person
could do that funny
kind of thing.
I sure liked that poem
by Mr. Walter Dean Myers
“Love That Boy.”
Because of two reasons I liked it:
One is because
my dad calls me
in the morning
just like that.
He calls
Hey there, son!
And also because
when I had my
yellow dog
I loved that dog
and I would call him
like this—
I’d say—
Hey there, Sky!
(His name was Sky.)
And when us kids
were playing outside
kicking the ball
he’d chase after it
and push it with his nose
push push push
and getting slobber
all over the ball
but no one cared
because he was such
a funny dog
that dog Sky
that straggly furry
Yes, you can type up
what I wrote about
my dog Sky
but don’t type up
that other secret one
I wrote—
the one all folded up
in the envelope
with tape on it.
That one uses too many of
Mr. Walter Dean Myers’s
and maybe
Mr. Walter Dean Myers
would get mad
about that.
And thank you
for typing up
my secret poem
the one that uses
so many of
Mr. Walter Dean Myers’s
and I like what
you put
at the top:
Inspired by Walter Dean Myers.
And I saw Sky
going after the ball
his tail
and I called him
“Sky! Sky!”
and he turned his
but it was too late
because the
blue car blue car
splattered with mud
hit Sky
thud thud thud
and kept on going
in such a hurry
so fast
so many miles to go
it couldn’t even stop
I don’t know.
If you put it on the board
and people read it
it might make them
And it was nice of you
to read all of our poems
on the bulletin board
and I hope it didn’t
make you
too sad
when you read the one
about my dog Sky
getting smooshed in the road.
(Inspired by Walter Dean Myers)
By Jack
Love that dog,
like a bird loves to fly
I said I love that dog
like a bird loves to fly
Love to call him in the morning
love to call him
“Hey there, Sky!”

Sky/The Yellow Dog Quotes in Love That Dog
What do you mean—
Why does so much depend
a blue car?
You didn’t say before
that I had to tell why.
The wheelbarrow guy
didn’t tell why.
and especially I liked the dog
in the dog poem
because that’s just how
my yellow dog
used to lie down,
with his tongue all limp
and his chin
his paws
and how he’d sometimes
chomp at a fly
and then sleep
in his loose skin,
just like that poet
Miss Valerie Worth
in her small
dog poem.
And we did.
We chose him.
And in the car
he put his head
against my chest
and wrapped his paws
around my arm
as if he were saying
Thank you thank you thank you.
And the other dogs
in the cages
get killed dead
if nobody chooses them.
you can type up
what I wrote
about my yellow dog
but leave off the part
about the other dogs
getting killed dead
because that’s too sad.
And don’t put
my name
on it
And maybe
it would look good
on yellow paper.
And maybe
the title
should be
At both ends
of our street
are yellow signs
that say
Caution! Children at Play!
but sometimes
the cars
pay no attention
and speed down
the road
as if
they are in a BIG hurry
with many miles to go
before they sleep.
That was so great
those poems you showed us
where the words
make the shape
of the thing
that the poem
is about—
like the one about an apple
that was shaped like an apple
and the one about the house
that was shaped like a house.
My brain was pop-pop-popping
when I was looking at those poems.
I never knew a poet person
could do that funny
kind of thing.
I sure liked that poem
by Mr. Walter Dean Myers
“Love That Boy.”
Because of two reasons I liked it:
One is because
my dad calls me
in the morning
just like that.
He calls
Hey there, son!
And also because
when I had my
yellow dog
I loved that dog
and I would call him
like this—
I’d say—
Hey there, Sky!
(His name was Sky.)
And when us kids
were playing outside
kicking the ball
he’d chase after it
and push it with his nose
push push push
and getting slobber
all over the ball
but no one cared
because he was such
a funny dog
that dog Sky
that straggly furry
Yes, you can type up
what I wrote about
my dog Sky
but don’t type up
that other secret one
I wrote—
the one all folded up
in the envelope
with tape on it.
That one uses too many of
Mr. Walter Dean Myers’s
and maybe
Mr. Walter Dean Myers
would get mad
about that.
And thank you
for typing up
my secret poem
the one that uses
so many of
Mr. Walter Dean Myers’s
and I like what
you put
at the top:
Inspired by Walter Dean Myers.
And I saw Sky
going after the ball
his tail
and I called him
“Sky! Sky!”
and he turned his
but it was too late
because the
blue car blue car
splattered with mud
hit Sky
thud thud thud
and kept on going
in such a hurry
so fast
so many miles to go
it couldn’t even stop
I don’t know.
If you put it on the board
and people read it
it might make them
And it was nice of you
to read all of our poems
on the bulletin board
and I hope it didn’t
make you
too sad
when you read the one
about my dog Sky
getting smooshed in the road.
(Inspired by Walter Dean Myers)
By Jack
Love that dog,
like a bird loves to fly
I said I love that dog
like a bird loves to fly
Love to call him in the morning
love to call him
“Hey there, Sky!”