Robert Frost Quotes in Love That Dog
and especially I liked the dog
in the dog poem
because that’s just how
my yellow dog
used to lie down,
with his tongue all limp
and his chin
his paws
and how he’d sometimes
chomp at a fly
and then sleep
in his loose skin,
just like that poet
Miss Valerie Worth
in her small
dog poem.
And you said that
Mr. Robert Frost
who wrote
about the pasture
was also the one
who wrote about
those snowy woods
and the miles to go
before he sleeps—
I think Mr. Robert Frost
has a little
on his
And maybe
that’s the same thing
that happened with
Mr. Robert Frost.
Maybe he was just
making pictures with words
about the snowy woods
and the pasture—
and his teacher
typed them up
and they looked like poems
so people thought
they were poems.
Like how you did
with the blue-car things
and reading-the-small-poems thing.

Robert Frost Quotes in Love That Dog
and especially I liked the dog
in the dog poem
because that’s just how
my yellow dog
used to lie down,
with his tongue all limp
and his chin
his paws
and how he’d sometimes
chomp at a fly
and then sleep
in his loose skin,
just like that poet
Miss Valerie Worth
in her small
dog poem.
And you said that
Mr. Robert Frost
who wrote
about the pasture
was also the one
who wrote about
those snowy woods
and the miles to go
before he sleeps—
I think Mr. Robert Frost
has a little
on his
And maybe
that’s the same thing
that happened with
Mr. Robert Frost.
Maybe he was just
making pictures with words
about the snowy woods
and the pasture—
and his teacher
typed them up
and they looked like poems
so people thought
they were poems.
Like how you did
with the blue-car things
and reading-the-small-poems thing.