Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Lois Lowry's Gathering Blue. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Gathering Blue: Introduction
Gathering Blue: Plot Summary
Gathering Blue: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Gathering Blue: Themes
Gathering Blue: Quotes
Gathering Blue: Characters
Gathering Blue: Symbols
Gathering Blue: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Lois Lowry

Historical Context of Gathering Blue
Other Books Related to Gathering Blue
- Full Title: Gathering Blue
- Where Written: Portland, Maine
- When Published: October, 2000
- Literary Period: The “Young Adult Renaissance” of the 90s and 2000s.
- Genre: Science-fiction / Fantasy
- Setting: A village in the future, after some apocalyptic event
- Climax: The return of Christopher, Kira’s father
- Antagonist: Jamison, the Council of Guardians
- Point of View: Third person limited
Extra Credit for Gathering Blue
Nice going, Hollywood: Lois Lowry’s most famous book is The Giver. In 2014, the inevitable happened: Hollywood announced that it was adapting the book for the big screen. Lowry was largely uninvolved in the film’s production, but she was rumored to have told the film’s director, “Don’t turn this into another teenage romance.” Ultimately, the film was widely criticized for featuring a tedious subplot about a teenage romance. They should have listened.
Top honors: Though Lowry hasn’t published a book since 2012, she’s continued to receive many prestigious awards and honors. In 2014, she was awarded an honorary degree from Brown University in recognition of her impressive achievements as a writer.