Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Lois Lowry's The Giver. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The Giver: Introduction
The Giver: Plot Summary
The Giver: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The Giver: Themes
The Giver: Quotes
The Giver: Characters
The Giver: Symbols
The Giver: Literary Devices
The Giver: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Lois Lowry

Historical Context of The Giver
Other Books Related to The Giver
- Full Title: The Giver
- When Written: Early 1990s
- Where Written: Maine
- When Published: April 16, 1993
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Dystopian novel
- Setting: A managed community in a futuristic society. The community is cut off from the outside world, which is referred to as "elsewhere."
- Climax: Jonas learns that when his father "releases" newchildren, he actually kills them. Jonas decides to leave the community.
- Antagonist: Jonas's community and its system of Sameness
- Point of View: Third-person limited, through Jonas's eyes
Extra Credit for The Giver
Awards: The Giver won the 1994 Newbery Medal, considered the most prestigious award for children's literature.
Banned Book: Although The Giver tops countless school reading lists, it has also been banned by some schools, which claim that some of the material, like euthanasia and suicide, is inappropriate for children.
One of Three: Lowry has written two more books set in the world of The Giver and including some of the characters from The Giver. The three books together are often described as a "loose trilogy." The second book in the series is Gathering Blue and was published in 2000. The third, The Messenger, was published in 2004.