For Whom the Bell Tolls


Ernest Hemingway

Agustin Character Analysis

Like Rafael, Agustin is a guerilla with a penchant for violence. He speaks “so obscenely, coupling an obscenity to every noun as an adjective, using the same obscenity as a verb, that Robert Jordan wondered if he could speak a straight sentence.” However, Anselmo tells Jordan that Agustin is a “very good man”; indeed, like Fernando, he regards his duties as a soldier with dignity and seriousness, and he values his fellow guerillas for their trustworthiness (save for Pablo and Rafael). By the end of the novel, Jordan thinks of him as his true “brother.”

Agustin Quotes in For Whom the Bell Tolls

The For Whom the Bell Tolls quotes below are all either spoken by Agustin or refer to Agustin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love in War Theme Icon
Chapter 37 Quotes

If I die on this day it is a waste because I know a few things now. I wonder if you only learn them now because you are oversensitized because of the shortness of the time? There is no such thing as a shortness of time, though. You should have sense enough to know that too. I have been all my life in these hills since I have been here. Anselmo is my oldest friend. I know him better than I know Charles, than I know Chub, than I know Guy, than I know Mike, and I know them well. Agustin, with his vile mouth, is my brother, and I never had a brother. Maria is my true love and my wife. I never had a true love. I never had a wife. She is also my sister, and I never had a sister, and my daughter, and I never will have a daughter. I hate to leave a thing that is so good.

Related Characters: Robert Jordan / Roberto / The Young Man (speaker), Maria, Anselmo / The Older Man, Agustin, Chub
Related Symbols: The Hills and Mountains
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 381
Explanation and Analysis:
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Agustin Quotes in For Whom the Bell Tolls

The For Whom the Bell Tolls quotes below are all either spoken by Agustin or refer to Agustin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love in War Theme Icon
Chapter 37 Quotes

If I die on this day it is a waste because I know a few things now. I wonder if you only learn them now because you are oversensitized because of the shortness of the time? There is no such thing as a shortness of time, though. You should have sense enough to know that too. I have been all my life in these hills since I have been here. Anselmo is my oldest friend. I know him better than I know Charles, than I know Chub, than I know Guy, than I know Mike, and I know them well. Agustin, with his vile mouth, is my brother, and I never had a brother. Maria is my true love and my wife. I never had a true love. I never had a wife. She is also my sister, and I never had a sister, and my daughter, and I never will have a daughter. I hate to leave a thing that is so good.

Related Characters: Robert Jordan / Roberto / The Young Man (speaker), Maria, Anselmo / The Older Man, Agustin, Chub
Related Symbols: The Hills and Mountains
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 381
Explanation and Analysis: