For Whom the Bell Tolls


Ernest Hemingway

Don Anastasio Rivas Character Analysis

Don Anastasio is an “undoubted fascist” and “the fattest man in the town,” “a grain buyer” and an insurance agent who loans money at high interest rates. Don Anastasio is the last fascist to be killed in the plaza before the mob overruns the church, and because he is too overweight to be thrown over the cliff like the others, he is beaten to death and left in the middle of the square.
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Don Anastasio Rivas Character Timeline in For Whom the Bell Tolls

The timeline below shows where the character Don Anastasio Rivas appears in For Whom the Bell Tolls. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10
Violence, Cowardice, and Death Theme Icon
...and stands on it to see over the heads of the crowd. An overweight fascist, Don Anastasio Rivas, is beaten, but he is too heavy to be thrown over the cliff. (full context)
Violence, Cowardice, and Death Theme Icon
...more of the killings. She notices a drunkard pouring something over the dead body of Don Anastasio , which catches fire, but the drunkard is knocked out before he can do serious... (full context)