A Brief History of Time


Stephen Hawking

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Strong nuclear force Term Analysis

One of the four major types of force, the strong nuclear force creates the particles within an atom by binding together quarks.
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Strong nuclear force Term Timeline in A Brief History of Time

The timeline below shows where the term Strong nuclear force appears in A Brief History of Time. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
The fourth type is the strong nuclear force. This holds the atom together. The gluon, a particle of spin 1, carries... (full context)
The Search for a Unifying Theory of the Universe Theme Icon
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
...fit as they don’t include gravity. The idea is that at some high energy, the strong nuclear force would be weakened, and the electromagnetic and weak nuclear force would strengthen, so... (full context)
Chapter 8
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
...universe’s temperature would be 1 billion degrees, meaning protons and neutrons could not escape the strong nuclear force and began to form into the nuclei of heavy hydrogen atoms, followed by... (full context)
The Search for a Unifying Theory of the Universe Theme Icon
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
...today. This inflationary idea states that while expanding rapidly, particles had enough energy for the strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetic force to be unified in a single force. As... (full context)
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
Just as water always does eventually freeze, so would the symmetry eventually break between the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and the electromagnetic force. This would bring the universe... (full context)
Chapter 11
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
String theory first arose in the 1960s, to describe the strong nuclear force. Small particles in the atom were waves on a string, and the nuclear... (full context)