A Brief History of Time


Stephen Hawking

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First proposed by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935, wormholes are small irregularities in space-time that allow short cuts to far-distant regions of the universe. It could be possible for an advanced civilization to stabilize or create one to allow intergalactic travel, and even time travel.
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Wormhole Term Timeline in A Brief History of Time

The timeline below shows where the term Wormhole appears in A Brief History of Time. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
...to achieve this speed. Perhaps space-time could be warped to allow a shortcut, allowing a wormhole between two regions; this would allow information from B to pass back to A faster... (full context)
Human Curiosity and Ingenuity Theme Icon
Einstein and Nathan Rosen were the first to suggest wormholes could exist, hence their other name, Einstein-Rosen bridges. These bridges are unstable and do not... (full context)