


R. J. Palacio

Mrs. Garcia (Mrs. G) Character Analysis

Mrs. G is Mr. Tushman's assistant at Beecher Prep. Mr. Tushman insists she runs the school, which primarily implies that she runs the administrative aspects of Beecher Prep—she's the one kids go to when they forget their locker combinations or need other assistance of that sort. Though she's nice to August at their first meeting, August isn't thrilled when he notices her "shiny" (fake) smile.
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Mrs. Garcia (Mrs. G) Character Timeline in Wonder

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Garcia (Mrs. G) appears in Wonder. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
August: Nice Mrs. Garcia
Independence and Growing Up Theme Icon
Parenting and Guidance Theme Icon
...They enter the office of the middle school director, and Mr. Tushman introduces them to Mrs. G arcia. When August looks at her, he notices that she does what everyone else does:... (full context)
August: Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte
Independence and Growing Up Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Parenting and Guidance Theme Icon
...artwork on the walls. He then asks why Mr. Tushman has his own office when Mrs. G doesn't. Mr. Tushman amends his explanation of Mrs. G's duties and says that she's his... (full context)
Independence and Growing Up Theme Icon
Status and Bullying Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...is why August grew his hair long—so he wouldn't have to look at mean kids. Mrs. G pokes her head in and explains that "they" are here, and Mr. Tushman explains that... (full context)
August: The Deal
Independence and Growing Up Theme Icon
Status and Bullying Theme Icon
Parenting and Guidance Theme Icon
When August, Jack, Julian, and Charlotte get back to the office, Mrs. G asks if August liked the school. Mom asks August if he saw baby chicks in... (full context)
Jack: Switching Tables
Identity Theme Icon
...like the two Maxes. They greet Jack but ditch him after they get their food. Mrs. G tries to send them back to their original table, but Jack gets up and accepts... (full context)
August: Take Your Seats, Everyone
Independence and Growing Up Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
At the auditorium, Mrs. G directs August and Jack to their staging area. Another teacher gets them in seats and... (full context)