Babies Quotes in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Ha, ha, ha, HA! Make the kids a drink, George. What do you want, kids? What do you want to drink, hunh?
It was a hysterical pregnancy. She blew up, and then she went down.
Just before we got married, I developed…appendicitis…or everybody thought it was appendicitis…
Our son ran away from home all the time because Martha here used to corner him.
You told them! OOOOHHHH! OH, no, no, no, no! You couldn’t have told them…
I cry all the time too, Daddy. I cry allllll the time; but deep inside, so no one can see me. I cry all the time. And George cries all the time, too.
I’M RUNNING THE SHOW! (To MARTHA) Sweetheart, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you…for us, of course. Some rather sad news.
I FORGET! Sometimes…sometimes when it’s night, when it’s late, and…and everybody else is…talking…I forget and I…want to mention him…but I…HOLD ON…I hold on…but I’ve wanted to…so often…oh, George, you’ve pushed it…there was no need….there was not need for this. I mentioned him…all right…but you didn’t have to push it over the EDGE. You didn’t have to…kill him.