The Three Musketeers


Alexandre Dumas

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The Three Musketeers: Chapter 17 Summary & Analysis

The cardinal mentions the diamond tags to the king twice, which makes him suspicious. He thinks the cardinal is likely up to something, but he’s not sure what. Nonetheless, he decides to tell the queen to wear the tags to the ball. When he does so, the queen gets an alarmed look on her face. This makes the king think that he was right to assume that something is afoot, though he doesn’t say so out loud.
Again, although he can be childish, the king is not stupid. He knows the cardinal is up to something and wants to figure out if he is being played. After talking to the queen, he knows that someone is keeping a secret that he is not privy to.
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After the king leaves her chambers, the queen prays for someone to lend her a hand. She feels she is alone and has no one to trust. Just that moment, Madame Bonacieux comes in and offers her services to the queen. She promises to get a letter from the queen to the Duke of Buckingham so that he can send back the tags before the ball. The queen writes the letter and gives Madame Bonacieux a fancy ring as payment. Madame Bonacieux thanks the queen and leaves right away. She plans to have her husband deliver the letter and returns the tags. She hasn’t seen Monsieur Bonacieux since he was released from prison and doesn’t know about his newfound love for the cardinal.
Despite her infidelity, the queen continues to inspire more sympathy than the king because of her difficult situation and lack of power. In the queen’s lowest moment, a savior appears in the form of Madame Bonacieux. Madame Bonacieux has no doubt that she can help the queen, but only because she doesn’t know about Monsieur Bonacieux’s betrayal. Luckily, Madame Bonacieux knows another adventurous man who has fallen in love with her and would be eager to help.
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When Madame Bonacieux arrives home, she tells her husband that she has a job for him to do. However, Monsieur Bonacieux is angry that his wife doesn’t seem to care much about his return or where he’s been. Additionally, he quickly becomes suspicious that the task she wants him to carry out is something related to the queen. Madame Bonacieux tries to convince her husband that the job is important, and though he considers taking it, he ultimately decides that his new alliance with the cardinal is more important.
Although Monsieur Bonacieux is not the most sympathetic character, his anger toward Madame Bonacieux is understandable. After all, he was imprisoned and questioned on her behalf, yet she appears to have no concern for his safety and wellbeing. However, whatever sympathy Monsieur Bonacieux gains for such treatment is quickly washed away because of his cowardice and his willingness to betray his wife.
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Realizing that her husband is more likely to betray her than help her, Madame Bonacieux purposely doesn’t reveal any information about the mission itself. Indeed, she is right to be suspicious because in the middle of their conversation, Monsieur Bonacieux excuses himself because he claims to have a meeting with a friend. In reality, he is going to report what he’s just heard to the cardinal. Just after Monsieur Bonacieux leaves, d’Artagnan arrives and asks to be let in.
Luckily, Madame Bonacieux is sharp and she realizes before it is too late that she cannot trust her husband. Furthermore, although one door closes, another one immediately opens in the form of d’Artagnan, who is eager to prove his love and devotion.
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