Dave Markowe Quotes in The Stepford Wives
“How was the second honeymoon?” Walter asked.
“Better than the first,” Dave said. “Just shorter, that’s all.” He grinned at Walter.
Joanna looked at Bobbie, expecting her to say something funny. Bobbie smiled at her and looked toward the stairs.
“Speak to you tomorrow,” Joanna said.
“Sure,” Bobbie said. They smiled at each other. Bobbie moved to Walter at the door and offered her cheek. He hesitated—Joanna wondered why—and pecked it.
“I spoke to Bobbie tonight,” she said. “She sounded—different, washed out.”
“She’s probably tired from all that running around she’s been doing,” Walter said, emptying his jacket pockets onto the bureau.
“She seemed different Sunday too,” Joanna said. “She didn’t say—”
“She had some make-up on, that’s all,” Walter said. “You’re not going to start in with that chemical business, are you?”
In her immaculate kitchen she said, “Yes, I’ve changed. I realized I was being awfully sloppy and self-indulgent. It’s no disgrace to be a good homemaker. I’ve decided to do my job conscientiously, the way Dave does his, and to be more careful about my appearance. Are you sure you don’t want a sandwich?”

Dave Markowe Quotes in The Stepford Wives
“How was the second honeymoon?” Walter asked.
“Better than the first,” Dave said. “Just shorter, that’s all.” He grinned at Walter.
Joanna looked at Bobbie, expecting her to say something funny. Bobbie smiled at her and looked toward the stairs.
“Speak to you tomorrow,” Joanna said.
“Sure,” Bobbie said. They smiled at each other. Bobbie moved to Walter at the door and offered her cheek. He hesitated—Joanna wondered why—and pecked it.
“I spoke to Bobbie tonight,” she said. “She sounded—different, washed out.”
“She’s probably tired from all that running around she’s been doing,” Walter said, emptying his jacket pockets onto the bureau.
“She seemed different Sunday too,” Joanna said. “She didn’t say—”
“She had some make-up on, that’s all,” Walter said. “You’re not going to start in with that chemical business, are you?”
In her immaculate kitchen she said, “Yes, I’ve changed. I realized I was being awfully sloppy and self-indulgent. It’s no disgrace to be a good homemaker. I’ve decided to do my job conscientiously, the way Dave does his, and to be more careful about my appearance. Are you sure you don’t want a sandwich?”