The Once and Future King

The Once and Future King


T. H. White

King Uther Pendragon Character Analysis

King Uther is Arthur's father and predecessor. While King of England he killed the Earl of Cornwall and then married his wife Queen Igraine. Before they were married, Igraine gave birth to their son—Arthur—who had to be hidden away because he was born out of wedlock. Before marrying Uther, Igraine had had three daughters with the Earl of Cornwall—Morgause, Morgan Le Fay and Elaine.
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King Uther Pendragon Character Timeline in The Once and Future King

The timeline below shows where the character King Uther Pendragon appears in The Once and Future King. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 1, Chapter 14
Chivalry, Satire & Medieval Life Theme Icon
Might vs. Right Theme Icon
...Overlord, oversees all the activities of his household. One morning he receives a letter from King Uther Pendragon , saying that Sir Ector is to receive the King's huntsman to hunt boars in... (full context)
Chivalry, Satire & Medieval Life Theme Icon
Might vs. Right Theme Icon
...bidding and retires to his solar, or study, where he writes a submissive response to King Uther saying he will be delighted to host the King's Huntsman. (full context)
Book 1, Chapter 22
Chivalry, Satire & Medieval Life Theme Icon
Fate (Time) Theme Icon
King Pellinore arrives for the knighting ceremony with news from London: King Uther Pendragon has died. The Nurse exclaims tearfully that King Uther has neither heir nor next of... (full context)
Book 1, Chapter 24
Fate (Time) Theme Icon
Merlyn tells Wart that his father had been King Uther Pendragon . Merlyn, disguised as a beggar, had delivered Wart as a baby to Sir Ector's... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 1
Chivalry, Satire & Medieval Life Theme Icon
Fate (Time) Theme Icon
Might vs. Right Theme Icon
Gawaine is telling the story of their grandmother, Igraine the Countess of Cornwall, with whom King Uther Pendragon fell in love. The King tried to seduce the Countess although she was married and... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 3
Chivalry, Satire & Medieval Life Theme Icon
War Theme Icon happen; there is going to be a war because of Queen Morgause and because King Uther killed her father, the Earl of Cornwall. Arthur considers—he says that Queen Morgause is justified... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 14
Chivalry, Satire & Medieval Life Theme Icon
Fate (Time) Theme Icon
...mother's name! Arthur's mother was Igraine—the very Igraine the Orkney brothers had spoken of who King Uther had captured. (full context)