The Woman in Black Quotes in The Fall
That’s the way man is, cher monsieur. He has two faces: he can’t love without self-love.
Oh, I don’t know. Really, I don’t know. The next day, and the days following, I didn’t read the papers.
I realized likewise that it would continue to await me on seas and rivers, everywhere, in short, where lies the bitter water of my baptism.
I had to submit and admit my guilt. I had to live in the little-ease. To be sure, you are not familiar with that dungeon-cell that was called the little-ease in the Middle Ages. In general, one was forgotten there for life. That cell was distinguished from others by ingenious dimensions. It was not high enough to stand up in nor yet wide enough to lie down in.
Brr . . . ! The water’s so cold! But let’s not worry! It’s too late now. It will always be too late. Fortunately!

The Woman in Black Quotes in The Fall
That’s the way man is, cher monsieur. He has two faces: he can’t love without self-love.
Oh, I don’t know. Really, I don’t know. The next day, and the days following, I didn’t read the papers.
I realized likewise that it would continue to await me on seas and rivers, everywhere, in short, where lies the bitter water of my baptism.
I had to submit and admit my guilt. I had to live in the little-ease. To be sure, you are not familiar with that dungeon-cell that was called the little-ease in the Middle Ages. In general, one was forgotten there for life. That cell was distinguished from others by ingenious dimensions. It was not high enough to stand up in nor yet wide enough to lie down in.
Brr . . . ! The water’s so cold! But let’s not worry! It’s too late now. It will always be too late. Fortunately!