Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Michael Lewis's The Big Short. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The Big Short: Introduction
The Big Short: Plot Summary
The Big Short: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The Big Short: Themes
The Big Short: Quotes
The Big Short: Characters
The Big Short: Terms
The Big Short: Symbols
The Big Short: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Michael Lewis

Historical Context of The Big Short
Other Books Related to The Big Short
- Full Title: The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
- When Written: Shortly after the housing bubble burst in 2007
- Where Written: Berkeley, California
- When Published: 2010
- Literary Period: Contemporary nonfiction
- Genre: Nonfiction, Finance
- Setting: Wall Street, New York
- Climax: The U.S. housing bubble bursts, leading to a financial crisis
- Antagonist: Government and industry regulators who didn’t see the crisis coming
- Point of View: 1st person
Extra Credit for The Big Short
Reality vs. Fiction. Though based on the book, the film version of The Big Short is lightly fictionalized, with many of the names changed in the adaptation. One exception is Michael Burry, who is portrayed faithfully by Christian Bale (who learned how to make his real eye move like a glass eyeball and who even received a package of clothes from the real Michael Burry).
What Happened Next. Though none of the investors in The Big Short have been publicly involved with any trades as big as the ones that made them famous, some have continued to work in finance. Steve Eisman crusaded against for-profit education providers and is rumored to have made money by shorting these institutions shortly before new regulations were passed in 2011.