Tender Is the Night

Tender Is the Night


F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Tender Is the Night: Book 2, Chapter 20 Summary & Analysis

Wearing pajamas inside her hotel room, Rosemary is more beautiful than ever. She calls Dick “youngster” and tells him that she was “scared” by his unkempt appearance that morning, but glad that he looks “fine again” now. They share a smile, “as if they two together had managed to get rid of all the trouble in the world and were now at peace in their own heaven.” They are interrupted twice by phone calls for Rosemary and, sensing Dick’s restlessness, she lowers “the lights for love,” and the two kiss “passionately” until they are breathless.
The “peace” and “heaven” that Dick feels when he is with Rosemary are exactly the reasons why he has come to visit her. Dick yearns to live once more in the bright energy of the young, to feel the revitalizing and optimistic power of their youth, innocence, and beauty around him. Rosemary flatters Dick, calling him “youngster” in an attempt to minimize the age difference between them.
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Rosemary breaks away from Dick, leaving him lying on her hotel bed alone. “Are you actually a virgin?” he asks her. Evading the question, she teases him for asking. Dick is perplexed by her response, and wonders whether she is just trying to intensify his desire for her. For three years, Rosemary has held Dick up on a pedestal, casting him in the role of “ideal” man. Now, however, she realizes with disappointment Dick has the same “exigent demands” as all the other men, “as if he wanted to take some of herself away, carry it off in his pocket.”
Rosemary is upset when realizing that Dick is just like all the other men who have tried to be with her—preoccupied with virginity, innocence, and the notion of possessing her. Dick is desperate to know if Rosemary is a virgin, because he deems it an important measure of her innocence and purity. 
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The next morning Dick wakes early to accompany Rosemary to the film set. As Dick is given a tour around the set, he notices Rosemary talking to an Italian actor named Nicotera on set. Later, Dick and Rosemary have lunch together in a “splendid” restaurant and afterwards, feeling “flushed and happy” they return to the hotel together. Once there, Rosemary desires “to be taken […] and what had begun as a childish infatuation on a beach was accomplished at last.”
Visiting Rosemary’s place of work, Dick is interested to observe Rosemary with the actor, Nicotera—no doubt Dick is jealous of him. Later, three years after their initial romance, Dick and Rosemary have sex, fulfilling Rosemary’s longstanding desire to be intimate with Dick.
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