Dr. Francis King Quotes in Philadelphia, Here I Come!
Private: (wearily) Mrs Doctor Francis King. September 8th. In harvest sunshine. […] By God, Gar, aul sod, it was a sore hoke on the aul prestige, eh? Between ourselves, aul son, in the privacy of the bedroom, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says, has it left a deep scar on the aul skitter of a soul, eh? What I mean to say like, you took it sort of bad, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says—
Public: (sings)
‘Philadelphia, here I come, right back—’
Private: But then there’s more fish in the sea, as the fella says […].

Dr. Francis King Quotes in Philadelphia, Here I Come!
Private: (wearily) Mrs Doctor Francis King. September 8th. In harvest sunshine. […] By God, Gar, aul sod, it was a sore hoke on the aul prestige, eh? Between ourselves, aul son, in the privacy of the bedroom, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says, has it left a deep scar on the aul skitter of a soul, eh? What I mean to say like, you took it sort of bad, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says—
Public: (sings)
‘Philadelphia, here I come, right back—’
Private: But then there’s more fish in the sea, as the fella says […].